
An Evening with Kevin Hines: Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Advocate

October 24, 2017 7 – 8:30 p.m.

"I Jumped Off the Golden Gate Bridge"

Kevin Hines is a brain/mental health advocate, award-winning global speaker, bestselling author and documentary filmmaker who reaches audiences with his story of an unlikely survival and his strong will to live. Two years after he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 19, he attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. He is one of only 34 people to survive the fall, and the only one to regain full physical mobility. He is the only Golden Gate Bridge jump survivor who is actively spreading the message of living mentally healthy.  The fall would break his body, but not his spirit.

[Location moved to a larger space: Callahan Theatre in the Nazareth College Arts Center.]


Megan Clifford, Assistant Director, Health and Counseling
