
Migrations: the case of Alianza Agricola

February 4, 2019 5 – 8 p.m.

The Alianza leadership and general membership devote numerous hours a week to their organizing work and their chosen campaign, Green Light NY Driving Together : Luz Verde NY Manejando Juntos, to win access to drivers licenses for all New Yorkers - and they do so on a completely volunteer basis. After working 12-hour shifts 6 to 7 days a week, members along with their families, attend and present at every speaking engagement, meeting, and community event that they can, to share their expertise and promote the campaign of Green Light NY.

This day they will meete with us to inform us about the Luz Verde Campaign as well as to discuss the most urgent issues that their families are confronting and how we couldsupport their efforts

Esperanza V. Roncero;

Migrations: the case of Alianza Agricola