
Casa Italiana Open House w/ Musical Guest Performances

October 10, 2019 5:30 – 8 p.m.

  • Casa Italiana, Ground Floor Area
  • Open to Nazareth Students
  • Attendance is Free

This year as a part of Un Sogno Siciliano: Da Akragas al Kaos Pirandelliano (A Sicilian Deam: From Akragas to Pirandilliano Chaos) event series presented by 2019's Mancini Lecture and Centro Nazionale Studi Pirandelliani, we warmly welcome you to join us for music and dance by internationally known "Akragas Folk Dance Group" at Casa Italiana.

*refreshments will be provided

About the Akragas Group:

"The Akragas Folk Dance Group" was founded by a group of young people, keen on popular traditions, with the mandate of researching, spreading and staging, the folkloristic, historic and cultural traditions of the Sicilian people. The costumes worn by the group members represent a well defined historical period, which is the end of the nineteenth century. The musical instruments, the songs, the dances, and the stagings instead embrace a greater historical period which includes: the Greek, Roman, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish and Norman dominations of the Island, all of which have molded, throughout the centuries, Sicily.

Casa Italiana Open House w/ Musical Guest Performances