Graduate Practicum

What is Graduate Practicum?

Graduate practicum is an all-day, six to seven week culminating clinical experience for all teacher candidates receiving an additional certification. 

Teacher candidates must have a Bachelor's Degree and a teaching certification and are seeking their Master's Degree to add an additional certification. 

Similar to student teaching, teacher candidates are expected to progressively take over responsibilities of the classroom in their new certification area, with the expectation of teaching full-time for at least one week.

Application Deadlines

The Graduate Practicum Application is due approximately one year prior to the clinical experience taking place.

Graduate Practicum

  • Summer A: November 1
  • Summer B: November 1
  • Fall: November 1
  • Spring: March 1


  • ALL documents must be completed and submitted digitally as a PDF to
  • Please remember to save the PDF with your Last name_First name_ Graduate Practicum Application_Program
  • Pictures taken on your phone will not be accepted.

Resume Requirements

  • Remember all student teaching applications require a resume that is in the preferred School of Education format.

It is highly recommended that you schedule a meeting with the School of Education Career Coach, Kathy Tonkovich, for help building your resume.

Job Embedded Graduate Practicum with An Internship Certificate

Teacher candidates completing their Graduate Practicum who are currently employed as a full-time classroom teacher, in the area they are being certified, may be eligible to complete their placement in their classroom while being employed full-time.

Teacher candidates must obtain a Internship Certificate in order to be eligible for a job-embedded placement.

Eligibility is dependent upon the teacher candidates' New York State Certification Requirements, the position in which the candidate is employed, classroom composition, and approval from their Graduate Program Director, The Office of Clinical Experiences and Partnerships and The Certification Office.

To determine eligibility and submit an Internship Certificate Proposal For Graduate Practicum or student teaching, teacher candidates must visit the Internship Certificate Page on the Teacher Certification Office website.

Teacher candidates will be notified via email of the decision.