Interdisciplinary Specialty Program in Autism (I-SPAN) Advanced Certificate


Specialization (9 credits)

  • I-SPAN is a graduate-level advanced certificate program that prepares professionals to work with individuals on the autism spectrum across the lifespan via live, online classes. 
  • The three-course sequence examines contemporary topics related to best practices in person-centered support of individuals on the autism spectrum in multiple settings.
  • I-SPAN is open to graduate-level matriculated and non-matriculated students in a variety of disciplines, including speech-language pathology, education, social work, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

I-SPAN is Ideal For

  • Matriculated or non-matriculated graduate-level students in any of Nazareth's master's degree programs who are seeking a specialization in autism.
  • Anyone who wants to be better prepared to teach, parent, or support individuals on the autism spectrum.

Career Information

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network reported that an estimated one in 36 children in the United States has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder.
  • Supporting individuals on the autism spectrum requires specialized knowledge and skills in evidence-based practices and there is a continued shortage of highly qualified professionals in this field.
  • Employers in disciplines such as education, speech language pathology, nursing, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy and the medical professions are seeking candidates who have this specialized knowledge.


What to Expect

  • Work and study collaboratively across disciplines
  • Three specific courses are required (detailed below under Curriculum), offered in a live online format.
  • Receive a New York state advanced certificate of specialization in autism upon completion
  • Earn continuing education units or professional development credits upon completion


This specialization requires these three evening courses in the following sequence:

  • Exploring Autism from Multiple Perspectives (fall semester) 
  • Autism Supports Across the Lifespan (spring semester)
  • Autism: A Contemporary Lens (May/June — summer Session A)

Registration Process

  • Current Naz students: Talk to your academic program director to determine whether you are eligible to enroll in this program.
  • Non-matriculated students: Complete the Certificate Application.
  • Registration occurs on a rolling basis for fall and spring terms. Starting classes in the fall is recommended. Students must take AUT 660 and AUT 661 before taking AUT 662.
  • If you have questions, contact the I-SPAN directors listed on this page.

Tuition and Fees

See Nazareth's fees and tuition per credit hour.Program costs »

Ask a Question


Contact Graduate Admissions


Call: 585-389-2824

Capstone Projects

You'll develop tools to use in your field of study with students who are on the autism spectrum. I-SPAN student examples are below.

    A board game to practice empathy skills
    Social skills stories to help navigate dating and decision making
    A guide for music teachers to set up the classroom and plan lessons