Online Learning Programs and Courses

How do I register and pay for the course?
  1. Select the course you want to take by selecting the arrow in the bottom right of the program description on the main Nazareth course selection page.
  2. Select the Enroll Now button to proceed to Checkout. You will be prompted to create an account — or to sign in if you already have an account.
  3. If you have received a discount or promotion code, enter it and select the Apply button on the Checkout page.
  4. Proceed to Pay and Enroll.
How long does the course take to complete?

Different courses have different completion times. Each module will have the time listed.

Typically a module will take 2-3 hours to complete and a course will take 4-6 hours total.

Full certificate programs (Exploring Autism and Public History) are scheduled for 6 weeks, allowing the learner time to complete the coursework. One-course programs (Certified Prompt Engineer) will take 4-6 hours to complete.

Nazareth's Canvas learning management system (LMS) is set up to pick up where you left off, at any point in the course modules.

How often does the course have synchronous meetings?

All Nazareth Adult Learning courses are asynchronous and fully online. Each course/program has a dedicated facilitator who you can contact throughout the course.

How is the course graded?

For the course to be considered complete, you must finish ALL course requirements, quizzes, and exams, to a minimum 80% score.

You have the opportunity to resubmit each assessment if you need extra attempts to reach the passing score.

How can I tell if I have completed my course requirements?

To check individual assignment grades, click on the ‘Grades’ section in the left-hand navigation to view each course requirement. Ensure that your score in each section is at least 80%.

Where can I find my certificate of completion?

Upon successful completion, a PDF of your certificate of completion will be sent to the email address you used to register for the course. You may also log in and return to your course enrollment dashboard page to access your completed certificate at a later date.

Will I receive college credit for completing this online course?

No. Nazareth Adult Learning courses are not credit-bearing. Successful completion of a course will result in a non-credit Certificate of Completion from Nazareth University.

If I lose my certificate of completion, how can I get a replacement?

You may log in and return to your course enrollment dashboard page to access your completed certificate at a later date.

How can I print my certificate?

You may print your digital certificate on your local printer. Nazareth University does not offer a print service for your certificate at this time.

Will I have access to the course content after completion?

You will have access for a limited time, as noted at the end of each course.

What is the refund policy?
Who can I contact for support?
  • For Canvas Learning Management System support, select the Help Menu icon in the lower left of the course navigation bar.
  • For Nazareth support and interaction with subject-matter experts, please email learners@naz.edu.
Can I receive continuing education credit units (CEUs) for this course?

Please contact us, learners@naz.edu, to discuss your organization’s requirements for CEU credit.

How can I print a receipt of my registration?

When you successfully enroll in an Adult Learning course, you will receive a confirmation email from Nazareth's Canvas Catalog (notifications@instructure.com). The confirmation email serves as your receipt.

My company requires a transcript for reimbursement. Can you provide documentation?

To access your transcript for your completed Nazareth non-credit certificate program:

  1. Log in to the site and access your dashboard.
  2. Select the ‘PDF Transcript’ button in the upper right, below the shopping cart symbol.
  3. A Learner Transcript PDF will appear in a new tab in your browser. You may download the transcript to share with your company representative.
  4. If the course is not listed as completed on the transcript, return to the Dashboard and review your In Progress/Completed/Not Completed tabs for additional information.
How do I update my profile (optional)?

To update your profile information in our learning management system:

  1. Log in to your Canvas account.
  2. Select the Account icon in the Navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select Profile.
  4. Select the three vertical dots in the upper right to expand the menu.
  5. In the drop-down menu, select Edit Profile to update your contact information.
  6. You may add a photo by clicking on the circular image silhouette.
Who can see my account history?

The Nazareth University Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) administrators have access to your account history to troubleshoot any issues you may have. In accordance with Nazareth Privacy Policy, your personal information is not shared externally. You may also view the Canvas by Instructure LMS privacy policy on their company website.

What is your privacy policy?