Not sure where to start? We offer a variety of services to make your job search process as smooth as possible.
Nazareth University holds career fairs and events throughout the year coordinated The Center for Life's Work. Events are listed in Handshake.
Start with people you know. Make a list of everyone you know well enough to use their first name (family, friends, parents of friends, and anyone you’ve worked or volunteered with). Set up a meeting with each person on your list (offer to buy them a cup of coffee)
Once you reach contacts that are in your desired field, you can ask for a networking meeting. That meeting is usually in their office.
Full-time, part-time, summer, and work study job postings are updated daily in our online Handshake system. Students and alumni are encouraged to register for Handshake to search available positions. The website includes all on-campus recruitment activities, job fairs, and upcoming career events.
Leverage the world’s largest professional network to build relationships and connect with opportunity.
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