
Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Info Sessions

September 27, 2016 12:10 – 1:10 p.m.

Each fall semester, Nazareth students can submit project applications (called a Commitment to Action) to CGI U. These projects address some community challenge.  If your project is selected, you travel to the CGI U Spring Training (hosted by President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton), further develop your project, then put your plan into action. Travel scholarships are available. Start up funding for projects may also be available.

Students can propose projects from five focus areas:

  • Education
  • Environment and climate change
  • Peace and human rights
  • Poverty alleviation
  • Public health

The national CGI U organization provides more details. Nazareth faculty and staff are available to support you.

More information is available at

For more information contact:
Adam Lewandowski
Associate Director, Center for Civic Engagement | (585)389-2307