
Utilizing SoulCollage® in Therapy: An Introduction

September 28, 2019

This hands-on workshop provides an introduction and overview of the SoulCollage® process and its application to therapeutic practice. It is a “perfect fit” process and tool to enhance efficacy with multiple therapeutic applications and populations. The method was developed by Seena Frost beginning in 1989 and expanded on in her two books published in 2001 and 2010. She included concepts from G.C. Jung (Collective Unconscious, Archetypes and Active Imagination), Virginia Satir (Parts Therapy), Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy), Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, Narrative Therapy and Psychosynthesis. Incorporating art-making, visual language, symbol interpretation, self-exploration and intuition, gestalt processing, journaling, and shadow work, SoulCollage® is a versatile and effective process for either individual or group therapy which furthers therapeutic outcomes. Participants will be introduced to the SoulCollage® technique and will learn a variety of applications for various populations with inclusion of individual and group case examples.

Utilizing SoulCollage® in Therapy: An Introduction