How NazCares Works

Nazareth established the NazCares Team to assist in addressing situations in which students are displaying behaviors that are concerning, disruptive, or threatening in nature and that potentially impede their own or others' ability to function successfully or safely. 

Step 1: Recognize and refer

If you are concerned about a student's behavior, reach out and  make a referral to the NazCares Team by completing this form:  NazCares Referral so that we can offer help and keep everyone safe

Be concerned about unusual, irregular, suspicious, or disruptive behavior.

  • Focus on what you directly observe.
  • Look for changes in behavior or routines (such as becoming withdrawn, not attending class or activities regularly, declining academic performance, or significant changes in mood)
  • Look for high-risk behaviors/actions or a pattern of behavior.
  • Trust your instincts. Don't try to explain/excuse behaviors. Don't hesitate.
  • If it's urgent, contact Campus Safety, 585-389-2850, or in person at its 21 Shults Center offices. Campus Safety is always open.
  • If the student is off campus and you suspect imminent danger of harm, call 911.
  • If it's not urgent, alert our team using the form below.
  • If you are a faculty member with concerns about a student's academic progress, please use the Flyer Success Alert System.

Step 2: Review 

The NazCares team meets weekly to review all referrals. The agenda typically follows the agenda outlined below: 

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Previous Cases - review, obtain updates, and assign action items (15-30 minutes).
  2. Review new NazCares referrals:
    1. Gather and present data
    2. Assess information
    3. Determine if more information is needed and assign a team member to follow up
  3. Open Discussion 

 Step 3: Outreach

The NazCares member will reach out to the student of concern offering the student a supportive conversation, resources, or a general check-in based on the team's conversation. Sometimes students may be asked to meet with the NazCares member if the concerns raised or behavior exhibited warrants a more immediate outreach. 

Step 4: Monitoring and Referral Closure

The NazCares team will monitor the case of the concerned student while actively reaching out. If there are no further concerns from the student, referrer, or NazCares members, the referral will be closed.