News Archive

Archive — 2020, August

Nazareth College named to Princeton Review’s “Best 386 Colleges” Guide for 2021

Nazareth College is proud to be on the list for the 13th consecutive year as one of the country's best institutions for undergraduate education, according to The Princeton Review.

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"A classroom full of beds" is how Vicky Gebel approaches Residential Life

Vicky Gebel, Nazareth's new director of residence life and community standards, is in her 13th year working in collegiate residential life — plus a year as resident assistant herself. She originally studied to be a teacher. "I still consider myself an educator," she says. "My classroom is just full of beds now instead of desks!"

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School of Education Earns National Accreditation

Nazareth College’s School of Education has earned national accreditation of its educator certification programs from the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP).


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