News Archive

Archive — 2023, March

Five honored for commitment to student success

One theme was clear at Nazareth’s 2023 Teaching Excellence and Student Support awards this month: “We’re committed to our students,” said Lisa Hiley '02, Ph.D., winner of the full-time faculty teaching excellence award. Five faculty and staff were honored at the event March 23, 2023.

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Guiding Eyes partners with Naz for monthly dog training on campus

Nazareth’s InterProfessional Animal-Assisted Wellness Collaborative, or IPAW, and IPAW Club are collaborating with the Monroe Region Guiding Eyes for the Blind group to bring training classes to campus. Guiding Eyes provides guide dogs to individuals with vision loss. The group holds once a month meetings, typically the first Tuesday evening of the month in the Shults Center Forum. Puppy raisers and dogs from all levels are welcome and campus students are encouraged to participate. 


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Author Robin Wall Kimmerer asks, “What does the earth ask of us?”

What does best-selling author Robin Wall Kimmerer, Ph.D., wish she knew as a college student?

“What I didn’t know then was that my voice mattered — that I could change anything,” she said at a session for Nazareth students on March 7, 2023, before giving a public talk on campus.

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Jeffrey Allan chosen to lead Nazareth’s Institute for Technology, AI, and Society

Nazareth's Institute for Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Society, or ITAS, has hired Jeffrey Allan as its new director. The AI technology expert is poised to usher Nazareth to be a leader at the forefront of ethics and artificial intelligence. He has two decades of experience from Fortune 500 companies to Silicon Valley startups and is also a psychologist who knows an ethical lens is crucially needed in the fast-paced world of business leaders, policy makers, and other professionals.

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