Atlas Center

Gender & Sexuality Resource Center

Location: Shults Center 116

Instagram: Atlas_Nazareth

Get Connected

The Atlas Center is part of the Office for Diversity & Inclusive Excellence Education (ODIEE). We offer space and programs welcoming to and inclusive of students, faculty, and staff across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.

Clubs and Organizations

  • Lambda Association: Celebrates diversity and aims to provide resource information about and support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Lambda welcomes the participation and support of all, including our straight allies. Follow Lambda on Insta!
  • Intersectional Feminist Alliance: Studies gender’s organizing factor in culture, informed by feminism, and promotes diversity & inclusion. Follow IFA on Insta!

Get Engaged

In collaboration with ODIEE and Lambda, the Atlas Center offers professional learning opportunities and programs that create as well as cultivate a sense of belonging at Nazareth.

  • Fall: Open House, LGBTQ+ History Month, National Coming Out Day, Transgender Day of Remembrance, International Pronoun Day, LGBTQ+ Educational Workshops), and more.

  • Spring: Campus Pride, Rochester Pride, Transgender Day of Visibility, Celebrate Diversity Month, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, & Biphobia, Loving Day, Coming Out Spiritually, Pride Yoga, and more.

Get Inspired

The Atlas Center has books and other resources that students and faculty can access and check out. We welcome suggestions for new books or movies – just let us know what you’d be interested in. If you have literature or related materials you would like to donate, please stop by the center.

Feel Empowered

The Atlas Center, in collaboration with student organizations and campus departments, strives to provide resources that aid in the success of our faculty, staff, and students. We can point you in the right direction, when it comes to:

  • Gender inclusive housing questions
  • Chosen name and/or gender identity change forms
  • Locations of all-use/gender neutral restrooms
  • Off-campus LGBTQ+ services
  • LGBTQ+ social resources

Contact us:

Gender-inclusive bathrooms

Single-occupancy bathrooms are available for people of any gender identity (including those who do not identify with any gender): Gender-inclusive bathroom locations

Trans@Naz Resources

Gender Inclusive HousingGender-inclusive housing seeks to provide an environment that is welcoming to all gender identities and is not limited to the traditional gender binary (female and male).

Gender Inclusive Bathrooms: Any single-use bathroom can be used by all, regardless of gender identity. 

Current Students Gender/Name Change: That guide shows you how to identify your pronouns and change your name in Gmail and NazNet Self Service.

Alumni Gender/Name Change: Alums who have transitioned can receive a reprinted diploma at no cost. Email your request to


Naz at Rochester Pride

Join us for Rochester Pride!

Nazareth students, faculty, staff, and alum - sign up to march with us!

Current students and alum register for housing.

All info on our Naz at Rochester Pride Page!

For Faculty and Staff

Diversity in Higher Education resources gathered by the Nazareth instruction and reference library >


The Atlas Center aims to provides a safe and welcoming campus environment for LGBTQ+ students and allies through education to better understand the diverse sexual and gender identities and experiences that exist at Nazareth College.



The Atlas Center envisions a Nazareth community that actively addresses oppression in all its forms and affirms, advocates and holistically embraces people across the spectrum of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, including their intersectional experiences and perspectives.

Multi-color flag and lights on Atlas Center wall

Quick tour

Kylee Ego-Walters '23 gives a tour of the Atlas Center.

Watch video

Safe Zone Training

The upcoming Safe Zone Trainings are 7/31/24 and 8/30/24. Both are at full capacity. When Fall Semester Safe Zone Trainings are added, we will advertise here and over email.