Strategic Initiatives


  • Food waste in landfills creates methane, a greenhouse gas that is 21x more potent than CO2. ( Our priority is to reduce food waste.
    • We compost food waste to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; also, we enhance and amend soil health by improving soil structure, enhancing micro-organism content, increasing drought tolerance, and reducing the need for water and fertilizers.
    • Our Dining areas, from retail operations to the Dining Commons, compost 100% of waste, pre-consumer. The Dining Commons also engages in 100% post-consumer composting. Through these efforts, NazDining can divert tons of waste per month from landfills and create compost to be used across campus. Look for ways to get involved in these initiatives.
  • Cooking oil is converted into biodiesel for use on the campus lawn care equipment!
  • All paper consumables are from recycled products.
  • Food Composting decreases landfill waste.
  • Single-stream recycling (put all your recycling in one bin) at all sites allows us to maximize recycling without the overwhelming presence of receptacles.
  • Xpress Nap Dispensers save energy and waste. Not only are the napkins made of 100% recycled paper, but the dispenser encourages customers to take (and waste) fewer napkins.

Our food service supply chain system is configured to reduce the carbon footprint and storage space and to support freshness.

We source local food and products whenever possible (25%), supporting more than 30 local businesses annually.

Choose to Reuse Program

This innovative reusable container program is designed to reduce packaging waste in support of Nazareth's sustainability goals. Take your food to go and enjoy one of the many indoor or outdoor areas of Naz.

Awards and Recognition
Babylon Micro Farm


Peckham Hall

Peckham Hall is the first LEED-certified (LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is the world's most widely used green building rating system. LEED certification provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings, which offer environmental, social, and governance benefits) building in Pittsford and has promoted environmentally responsible choices that include green construction materials, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, and energy efficiency, water-efficient landscaping, and a healthy internal work environment. Burt Hill and SWBR Architects designed the 74,000-square-foot building. It meets the U.S. Green Building Council LEED silver rating.

Green Fleet

The Facilities Department operates a green fleet, including four fully electric cars and two electric golf carts.

Reducing Energy Use
  • Nazareth's Energy Management Plan was published and made available to all. Core network and IT servers are being virtualized, a process that allows for consolidation of server hardware and increased energy savings. Power meter readings were taken in the data center prior to work starting, and will be monitored throughout the project.
  • Energy-efficient motors, lights, boilers, and chillers are all used on campus. Variable-speed motor drives are used to slow the motors to match the speed needed for the load, saving energy at the slower speeds.
  • Computerized energy management systems lower/raise temperatures and turn air-moving equipment on/off based on occupancy.
  • Naz initiated a comprehensive heat and air conditioning set-back procedure. Heat, when possible, is set during break times to 55 degrees.
  • Direct digital controls were installed in several buildings to increase energy efficiency for HVAC systems.
  • Parking Lot J lights were upgraded, allowing for fewer light poles (from 16 to 10), and a decrease in wattage (from 400 to 250).
  • 1.3 Million investment in LED lighting installation in all campus buildings resulting in substantial energy savings - approximately 1.6 million watt hours or 2 to 3 million dollars in energy cost over 10 years.
  • Replaced a 20-ton air conditioning unit in the Shults Center with a unit that is 30% more efficient; estimated to save $10,000 over 5 years.
  • Clock Tower Commons has Energy Star-compliant mechanicals where available.
  • A biofuel refinery on campus uses fryer oil from dining services to fuel all diesel-fuel-operated ground equipment.
  • Low-flow toilets, sinks, and shower faucets save 2 gallons of water each usage.
  • Campus residence halls and some academic buildings have low occupancy during the month of December, allowing lower temperature settings and reduced energy.
  • Insulation, windows, and doors were upgraded to reduce energy usage.
  • Our housekeeping staff uses environmentally safe cleaning products.
  • Meters on all dormitories and Peckham Hall track energy usage.
  • 482,269 KWh in energy savings annually with the HVAC improvement in Peckham Hall with the installation of the new chiller.
  • Four car-charging stations have been installed on campus.


NYSERDA Clean Green Campus
New York Coalition for Sustainability in Higher Education
Greater Rochester Clean Cities

Campus Reports