Academic Assessment at Nazareth College is an ongoing, multi-layered process:
Two-year cycle: The Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) reviews the assessment of student learning, on a two-year rotation, providing written feedback to approximately 1/2 of academic programs every year. The Director of Academic Assessment will provide a response and support to each program annually.
Program Review cycle: Every program engages in some form of self-study of program review according the cycle of prescribed by their accrediting body or according to the CAS 7-year cycle program review.
Student learning outcomes assessment (Google Sheets): Programs normally focus on assessing a small number of student learning outcomes in a given year. As assessment data are collected and analyzed, programs add reporting for the corresponding evidence in Google Sheets or the alternate reporting forms. Data reporting can be added at any time, but all units are asked to update their assessment results in Google Sheets or form at least annually by October 1.
Assessment reporting workbooks are shared with Program Assessment Liaisons via Google Drive. If you do not have access to your reporting workbook, or if you need a workbook for a new program, please contact the Director of Academic Assessment.
Help keep us in the loop: If there has been a recent change in leadership in your unit (such as a new department chair, program director, or program assessment liaison), please notify the Academic Assessment Director so we may update the assessment reporting notification system.
What is the relationship between program review and annual assessment of student learning?
The self-study document written during the program review process describes the totality of the program’s goals, curriculum, and resources. To provide this comprehensive description, the self-study must include examination of the use of assessment of student learning over time. The self -study should analyze and describe how the department ensures that its curriculum and resources are contributing optimally to the achievement of the program’s stated learning outcomes
Assessment 101 Workbook - a how-to guide on all aspects of academic program assessment planning and reporting
All about SLOs- Everything you would want to know about Student Learning Outcomes
Frequently Asked Questions If your question is not addressed in our FAQ document, please contact your SLO coordinator to let us know.
Commonly used assessment terms are explained in the glossary.
Mixology 101 (9-13-19) Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to craft clear SLOs. Folder of digital handouts for the session include Bloom’s Knowledge Dimension, Cognitive Process Dimension, Affective Domain and a beginning list of websites of program SLOs at other institutions.
Cookie and Beverage Pairing: Assessment with Refreshments (5-15-20)
Below are Summary Reports of Assessment from previous years.
Check our our Academic Assessment calendar for workshops, drop-in hours, AAC meetings, and professional development webinars.
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