Full Time Faculty ~ Student Evaluations
Year-end Self Evaluations
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Academic Integrity ~ Full Policy for Faculty
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Academic Integrity Tutorials @ Nazareth
Graduate Integrity Policy (Catalog)
Undergraduate Integrity Policy (Catalog)
Monitoring Academic Policies
The Provost monitors student complaints received in the office of the Provost. As appropriate, the Provost is responsible for referring issues that emerge from this process to the Academic Policies and Procedures Committee, the Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing or the Graduate Advisory Council, which are charged with recommending or reviewing revisions to academic policies relating to undergraduate and graduate students.
Academic Policies and Procedures Committee:
Charge: The committee resolves problems related to academic issues and develops and revises academic policies and procedures as necessary. For significant policy changes, the committee makes recommendations to the Dean’s Council and seeks approval from them before making changes.
Chairperson: Director of Academic Advisement
Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing
Charge: Review the records of undergraduate students who are not in good academic standing and who are therefore subject to probation or dismissal. This committee is responsible for upholding the college’s academic standards as outlined in the undergraduate catalog and for making determinations on student appeals of their academic standing.
Chairperson: Associate Vice President for Retention and Student Success
Graduate Advisory Council
Charge: The Graduate Advisory Council is responsible for providing leadership and advocacy of plans and initiatives for graduate education. In this capacity, the Council will be available to work collaboratively with administration, and other members of the college community, as strategic partners in monitoring the overall health and advancement of graduate education with a goal to create a strong graduate student experience.
Chairperson: Associate Provost
Other Policies and Procedures:
For course proposals, see Registration & Records' Information for Faculty page.
Award Details
Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advising Award (Nominations from students only)
Dr. Maureen F. Finney ~ mfinney5@naz.edu
Associate Provost
Dr. Maria Hopkins ~ mhopkin8@naz.edu
Associate Provost of Student Experience/Dean of Students
Dr. Kim Harvey ~ kharvey8@naz.edu
Associate Vice President for Experiential Impact
Dr. Emily Carpenter ~ ecarpen1@naz.edu
Dean, College of Interprofessional Health and Human Services
Dr. Cathy Rasmussen ~ crasmus0@naz.edu
Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, Business, and Education
Dr. Thomas Lappas ~ tlappas4@naz.edu
Interim Dean, College of Visual, Performing Arts, and Design
Dr. Yousuf George ~ cgeorge0@naz.edu
Associate Dean of Students for Academic Thriving (advisement)
Dr. Nicole Juersivich ~ njuersi9@naz.edu
Executive Director, Center for International Education
Dr. Nevan Fisher ~ nfisher2@naz.edu
Director of Professional Learning, Innovation, & Creativity
Dr. Susan Sturm ~ ssturm6@naz.edu
Director of Accessibility, Military Services and Student Success
Mr. Dillon Smith ~ dsmith81@naz.edu
Honors Program
Dr. Stephanie Zamule ~ szamule5@naz.edu
Institutional Research and Assessment
Ms. Julie Rao ~ jrao2@naz.edu
Lorette Wilmot Library
Ms. Ilka Datig ~ idatig5@naz.edu
Office of the Registrar
Registrar - Rachel Scott ~ rscott21@naz.edu
Office of Research, Scholarship, and Innovation
Ms. Margaret Murphy ~ mmurphy22@naz.edu
Dr. Cathy Rasmussen, crasmus0@naz.edu
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Chair: Dr. Megan Tobin, mtobin9@naz.edu
Creative Arts Therapy
Chair: Dr. Stephen Demanchick, sdemanc8@naz.edu
Chair of Nursing: Bonnie Walden, bwalden3@naz.edu
Chair of Public Health: Dr. Mary Dahl Maher, mmaher7@naz.edu
Occupational Therapy
Chair: Dr. Julie Kunisch, jkunisc4@naz.edu
Physical Therapy
Chair: Dr. Andrew Opett, aopett5@naz.edu
Social Work
Chair: Dr. Leanne Wood, lwood81@naz.edu
Dr. Thomas Lappas, tlappas4@naz.edu
Chair: Kelly Hutchinson-Anderson, khutchi8@naz.edu
Biomedical Sciences
Program Directors:
Dr. Lauren Brooks, lbrooks9@naz.edu and
Dr. Sanela Lampa-Pastirk, slampap3@naz.edu
Chair: Dr. Stephen Tajc, stajc3@naz.edu
Clinical Lab Sciences
Program Director: Dr. Matthew Schoell, mschoel6@naz.edu
English & Communication
Chair: Dr. Gregory Foran, gforan4@naz.edu
Ethical Data Science
Program Director: Dr. Wendy Norris, wnorris0@naz.edu
Global Sustainability
Program Director: Devparna Roy, droy9@naz.edu
Program Director: Dr. Rebecca Fahy, rfahy6@naz.edu
History, Politics and Law
Chair: Dr. Isabel Cordova, icordov1@naz.edu
International and Global Studies Program
Program Director: Dr. Nevan Fisher, nfisher2@naz.edu
Legal Studies
Program Director: Dr. Noel Wolfe, nwolfe3@naz.edu
Chair: Dr. Heather Lewis, hlewis5@naz.edu
Chair: Dr. Scott Campbell, scampbe8@naz.edu
Chair: Dr. Douglas Gutheil, dguthei0@naz.edu
Religious Studies
Chair: Dr. Corinne Dempsey, cdempse6@naz.edu
Sociology & Anthropology:
Dr. Kim McGann, kmcgann5@naz.edu
Women and Gender Studies
Program Director: Dr. Yamuna Sangarasivam, ysangar7@naz.edu
World Languages and Cultures
Interim Chair: Dr. Thomas Lappas, tlappas4@naz.edu
Associate Dean
Dr. Joseph Porter, jporter8@naz.edu
Undergraduate programs
Graduate Programs
Associate Dean
Dr. Shanna Jamanis, sjamani9@naz.edu
Dr. Meg Callahan-Steckley, mcallaha5@naz.edu
School of Education Undergraduate Programs
School of Education Graduate Programs
Interim Dean
Dr. Maureen Finney, mfinney5@naz.edu
Art & Design
Chair: Dr. Doot Bokelman, dbokelm7@naz.edu
School of Music
Director: Dr. William Hudson, whudson0@naz.edu
Associate Director: Dr. Jared Chase, jchase6@naz.edu
Theatre & Dance
Interim Co-Chairs: Heather Roffe, hroffe4@naz.edu
Emily Stork, estork0@naz.edu
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