Technology, Artificial Intelligence, & Society

Bachelor of Arts
Become a policy maker, tech journalist, lawyer, compliance expert, or advocate.

While other colleges and universities teach coding and technology, this specialized degree applies an ethical lens that future business leaders, policymakers, and other professionals need. You'll be prepared to address the challenges, risks, and workforce needs that technology such as artificial intelligence brings. Learn about the impact of advanced technologies on major social institutions, including work, politics, health care, law, family, and education, as well as the ethical, legal, and political implications of using computers, "big data," and algorithms to help humans make decisions.

Course curriculumStudent outcomesCost of attendance

blurred crowd with facial recognition technology
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Advocate for positive change.

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Customize your electives to strengthen your expertise in your areas of interest.

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Flexibility: Add a minor or study abroad.

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Collaborate with peers studying ethical data science and AI in business.

student Oliver Janzen at courthouse
crowd raising their smartphones
Professor Chelsea Wahl teaching social innovation class

Career Paths

  • Policy maker
  • Tech journalist
  • Technology lawyer
  • Compliance expert
  • Health care advocate
Example Internships and Field Experiences

Your Center for Life’s Work career coach will work with you to arrange an internship with a company, nonprofit, or government office, where you will apply the skills you’ve learned in the program and gain more skills and insights. Nazareth has connections/partnerships with a range of relevant organizations, including:

  • TechRochester
  • Data and Society
  • Ethical Resolve
  • Public Interest Technology University Network


of new Nazareth grads are employed or in grad school within six months of graduation


Our SPARK Grant provides up to $4,000 for you to pursue internships, research, and study abroad. SPARK details »


Part of Nazareth's Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) — committed to promoting a just, equitable technological future.

Key Questions

  • Consider race, class, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability in the use of technology, such as: How can bias be avoided in facial recognition software?
  • Understand the impact of advanced technologies on major social institutions, including work, politics, health care, law, family and education, such as: What are the implications of social media algorithms and the proliferation of deep fakes for democracy? How can algorithms be used to improve health diagnostics and care? How does technology shape romantic and parenting decisions and experiences?
  • Analyze the ethical, legal, and political implications of using computers, "big data," and algorithms to help humans make decisions, such as: Does using algorithms result in fairer sentencing practices than human judges? What are relevant considerations in privacy, security, and confidentiality for artificial intelligence technologies?
  • Address the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on organizations and business models, such as: Do companies have a duty to workers replaced by computer systems? How might corporate social responsibility practices change or remain in companies using artificial intelligence technologies?
  • Explore the future of emerging technologies, such as gaming, smart textiles, physical computing, and animal-computer interaction, such as: Do new technologies demand new ways of thinking about ethics and privacy? How can students best prepare for cutting-edge technology careers?
Program Director
Naz alum, John Drain

Alumni Spotlight

John Drain '83
chief financial officer, Hearst Television, Inc., and vice chair of Nazareth's board of trustees

"Artificial intelligence touches our lives every day. Partnering this technology with professionals equipped to ask the complicated questions is crucial for businesses, governments, and citizens. The Nazareth Institute for Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Society is a vital resource to prepare professionals who will proactively answer the difficult emerging questions while setting standards for the future."