We are pleased to recognize the following Top Award recipients:
Paper: Terra Avangelista, Of Spirit and Reality: Philosophy and the Immaterial World. Faculty sponsor is Professor Scott Campbell, Philosophy.
Performance: Regan Stacey, Demetrio Alomar, Katja Stavenhagen, Anna Kostakis, Vinny Capluzzi, Michaela Shaffer, Sam Melita, Garrison Hunt, Abby Voss, Justin Smith, Chris Peterkin, Chris Salvaggio, Brandon Wollke, Jake Smith, Janna Kozloski, Kaitie Buckert, Cassidy Halpin, Abby Prem, Abigail Hazlett and Charlie Bohrer with Excerpts from the Addams Family. Faculty sponsor is Professor Corinne Aquilina, Theatre and Dance.
Mackayla Thompson, Jazlyn Melindo, Alex Palese, Ashlen Wright, Emily Match, Katherine Saslawsky and Madeline Mitchell with Exploring Hand Drums Through the Song "Funga". Faculty sponsor is Professor Kristen Shiner-McGuire, Music.
Poster: Caroline Fish, What is the effect of using collaborative learning on student academic achievement? Faculty sponsor is Professor Shirley Sommers, School of Education.
Morgan Geraci, Gestión Cross-cultural: Los efectos de las dimensiones culturales y como se afectan como manejar un equipo internacional. Faculty sponsor is Professor Esperanza Roncero, Foreign Language and Literature.
Shelby Klippel, Emily Robinson, Emma Schum and Emily Thompson, Health and Human Services Students' Knowledge of Occupational Therapy. Faculty sponsor is Professor Laura Poleshuck, Occupational Therapy.
Caitlyn Paris-Woods and Alexandria Lovejoy, Woman to Woman. Faculty sponsor is Professor Mary Dahl Maher, Public Health.
Andrea Raphael, Emily Olsen, Julie Moretti, Alexandra Kilmer and Alison Bur, The Effectiveness of a 5-Day Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Camp in a Pediatric Setting. Faculty sponsor is Professor Kathleen Stoklosa, Occupational Therapy.
Andrea Stayzer and Aldi Priyanto, Capturing and Describing the Relationships between St. John’s Elders and Nazareth College Students. Faculty sponsor is Professor David Steitz, Psychology and Gerontology.
CARS 2017 Awards
Award recipients:
Performance: Emily Kreitsek, Alysse Thomas, Amy Shurtliff, Sydney Jones, Kellie Kaminski, Emma Loree-Findeis, Zachary Grant, Kimberly Cassetta, Sarah McLaen, Nina Nasca, Grace Yezierski, Emily Lawrence, Jacqueline Ellis, Sara Coykendall, Lydia Schifley, Erica Rivoli, Shannon Gavin and MacKenzie Swinehart for their dance performance of Breaking the Silence. Faculty sponsor is Professor Heather Roffe.
Paper presentation: Megan Searing and Stephanie Mongelli -Student Actions when Comparing Fractions. Faculty sponsor is Professor Nicole Juersivich.
Poster - First place: Amanda Entress and Gabrielle Sharp -Teacher Perceptions of Collaboration with School-Based Occupational Therapists. Faculty sponsor is Professor Laura Poleshuck.
Poster - Second place (There was a three way tie.): Jennifer Cator - Global Coherence of Story Narratives in Right Hemisphere Dysfunction. Faculty sponsor is Professor Melissa Johnson. Emily Modeen and Julia Widmer - Bioremediation of Neonicotinoid Insecticides, Thiamethoxam and Imidacloprid, by Select Bacterial Species. Faculty sponsor is Professor Stephanie Zamule. Alyssa Sackett, Kate Durr, Vincent Parrillo, Drew Simoneau, Elizabeth Howell and Katlynne Ray - Using Mobility Devices in Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Description of the Decision-Making Process of Physical Therapists. Faculty sponsor is Professor Sue O'Brien.
Poster - Third place (There was a tie): Ariana Scarfone - The “Positive” Side of Social Media: Body-Positive Posts as a Protective Factor Against Media-Induced Body Dissatisfaction. Faculty sponsor is Professor Lindsey LaPlant. Francesca Speiss, Whitney Thomas and Alexandria Lovejoy - The Nazareth College Community Response to a Tobacco-, Smoke- and Vape-Free Survey. Faculty sponsor is Professor Mary Dahl Maher.
CARS 2016 Awards
Award recipients for CARS 2016:
Performance: Abby Voss, Anna Kostakis, Emily Mullin, Ged Owen, Matt Combs, Michaela Groth, Peter Smith, Seth Hatch and Joe Bach for their performance of Selected Numbers from Grease. Faculty sponsor is Professor Corinne Aquilina.
Paper presentation: Diana Batchelor - Staying Green in a Sea of Purple: How the Emerald Isle Escaped the Roman Empire's Reach. Faculty sponsor is Professor Tim Thibodeau.
Poster - First Place: Daryn M. Loy, Thomas K. Caraher, Faith E. Downes, MaryLynn Eddington, Daniel J. Tofil, Antoine Audet, Meghan E. Denny, Chelsea L. Diekvoss, Martin M. Glazer, Annalissa M. MacPherson, Eileen E. Pelkey and Max W. Randolph - Diverse water quality and nutrient profile in geologically variant surface water and wetlands at Mendon Ponds Park. Faculty sponsor is Professor Padmini Das.
Poster - Second Place: Elizabeth Ver Steeg - The Family Guy? How Political Candidates Use Family in their Election Strategy. Faculty sponsor is Professor Kim McGann.
Poster - Third Place (there was a tie): Juliana Posato - The Pleasure Deficit. Faculty sponsor is Professor Rachel Bailey Jones. Morgan Ross - Glyphosate Toxicity on Aquatic Invertebrates. Faculty sponsor is Professor William Hallahan.
CARS 2015 Awards
New in 2015 was the opportunity to receive awards. The posters, judged by faculty and staff volunteers, were scored on the poster itself and how well the presenter could explain and respond to questions relative to their activity. The performances were eligible for the Audience Choice Award.
We are pleased to share that the award recipients for CARS 2015 are as follows:
Audience Choice for the Performance category is 'A Cappella' arranging and performing including Emma Sheedy, Jenni Logan, Cece Diaz, Alyssa Goodness, Alyssa Smith, Doree Primavera, Jess Tripi, Mahali Lissade, Mariah Rector, Natalie Burrows and Shaondel Hall. Faculty sponsor is Dr. Vazquez.
First place in the Poster category is Casey Cline with Evaluation of a Web-Based Alcohol Education Prevention Course to Reduce Freshman Alcohol Incidents on a College Campus. Faculty sponsors are Dr. Bockes and Dr. Enerson.
Second Place in the Poster category is Claire Sobraske with Dipicolinic acid with metal (II) cations as a nutrient source for soil bacteria. Faculty sponsor is Dr. Tajc.
Third Place in the Poster category is Katie Lohrman, Allison Smith, Melissa Scorse, Briana Newman, Beth Novak and Kristen DeMarree with Physical Therapy Clinical Experiences in Kerala, India. Faculty sponsors are Dr. Clark and Dr. Huson.
Learn more about the CARS event.
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