Event Details

CARS 2025

The showcase of students' work will be Tuesday, April 22, 2025, in person on campus. 

Undergraduate classes are suspended until 6 p.m. that day, to enable students and faculty to attend.

Schedule (will be updated in April)

Apply to Participate in CARS

Identify a faculty sponsor and confirm their agreement to sponsor/approve your endeavor.

Carefully read and follow the appropriate guidelines for your chosen participation format (described below). Consult with your faculty sponsor if no guidelines are available.

Submit your proposal by March 12. Be sure you use the exact wording you want to see in the official CARS Program! Your faculty mentor might provide you with some feedback and ask you to edit your abstract, but otherwise the CARS Committee will not edit the information you provide on your proposal form for spelling, grammar, etc.

  • NOTE: If you are applying to present as a group, your group only needs to submit one application!

Presentation Formats

Poster Presentation

CARS Poster Presentation Guidelines

We recommend starting with one of these poster templates, as they are all the correct size. See the presentation guidelines above for more design information!

Make sure you submit your poster for printing within your assigned printing window (see instructions here)!

If you have any questions, please contact your faculty sponsor or Megan Tobin.

Paper Presentation

2024 CARS Performing Arts Guidelines

If you have questions, please contact your faculty sponsor or Dr. Octavio Vazquez.

Community Engaged Research

CARS Community Engaged Research Presentation Guidelines

If you have questions, please contact your faculty sponsor or Dr. Ed Wiltse.


Did you do a really cool CME project that you'd like to share? Talk with your CME instructor and/or Dr. Scott Campbell.


Check in with Dr. Stephanie Zamule for more information!


SOARS participants typically deliver a 10-15 minute oral presentation followed by a question and answer period.

Reach out to your faculty mentor or Dr. Megan Tobin in the Office of Research, Scholarship, and Innovation if you have any questions.


SPARK participants can sign up to to present posters, papers, performances, or community engaged research.

Reach out to your faculty mentor or Dr. Megan Tobin in the Office of Research, Scholarship, and Innovation if you have any questions.

Class assignment examples

These assignments were created for previous in-person CARS events. Hopefully, they will spark some inspiration!

Key Dates

March 12: Deadline to submit application to present at CARS

March 31-April 11: Submit posters to Media Resources for printing

April 22: CARS 2025

Information for Faculty

As we did last year we are asking faculty sponsors to review proposals before they are forwarded to the CARS Committee. The main goal of this review is to ensure the abstracts are ready to be included in the CARS 2025 program.

CARS 2025 Visitors

We invite all Nazareth community members, their families and friends, as well as the Rochester community to join us on campus as Nazareth students showcase their creative activity and research on Tuesday, April 22, 2025!

Recommended parking lots include Visitor lot F, the Arts Center lot (A) or parking by the stadium (lot P) if these are full. Please observe all parking restrictions.

Campus map for CARS