Our interdisciplinary program focuses on the beliefs, principles, and practices of youth development. This community-focused approach blends theory with extensive opportunities to spend time with youth to learn about the protective and risk factors within their families, neighborhoods, and communities.

B.A. Community Youth Development

Also offered as a minor.

Faculty and Staff

Contact us and learn more about our faculty.


The major requires an internship in both junior and senior years, with the second internship geared toward a focus you choose. 

Internships with community partners

Contact the program leader to begin the process of lining up an off-campus internship at an established partner.

Opportunities include:

  • community centers run by Rochester's Bureau of Recreation
  • faith-based youth programs
  • expanded-learning programs at city elementary schools
  • Industry School juvenile detention center
  • after-school youth development programs of the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, and Rochester's Department of Recreation and Youth Services


Any Nazareth student is welcome to join the Community Youth Development Collective.

Career Development

Whatever your career or life goals may be, almost everyone interacts with youth. This program teaches about what it takes to engage them in opportunities that will develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become prepared and actively engaged citizens. Find detailed career information through Career Services.