• Ranked among the top 20 science labs nationwide by The Princeton Review.
  • Peckham Hall supports excellent math and science education with state-of-the-art labs for instruction and research, classrooms, and spaces designed to support collaboration between students and faculty.

Thank you, donors!

Donor support made this facility possible. Read the Peckham Hall Impact Report.

chemistry lab

Majors and Programs

Goodwell Nzou

Math and Science Stories

peckham lab

Labs and Classrooms

tables and chairs in collaborative space in Peckham Hall

Collaborative Spaces

Peckham Hall's shared spaces promote working in groups and across allied health disciplines.

Student Spotlight: Anne Pysnik

Anne Pysnik

Anne was heavily involved with phytoremediation research on campus with biology professors, which helped her get a prestigious internship at the CDC. Peckham Hall’s state-of-the-art facilities make a difference, she says. “It really enhances what our science departments can do. For instance, there’s a bigger greenhouse now, which is great for my research. And the fact that everyone congregates in the second-floor work area means there is a lot of collaboration and interdisciplinary work going on.”

A Look Inside Peckham Hall

    Environmental Initiatives

    LEED Certification

    Peckham Hall is the first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified green building in Pittsford, adhering to extensive environmental sustainability standards.

    Green Roof

    Two green roof gardens, visible from the center's main entrance as well as from the classrooms and common areas on the third floor, continue Nazareth's environmental initiatives. They provide energy savings, reduce water runoff, increase the life of the roof, and add beauty.