Nazareth math students participate in a variety of conferences around the country each year.
20th Annual Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
January 2018
Lindsey Golas
January 2017
RIT's Science and Mathematics Education Research Collaborative, Rochester, NY
Alison Stedman and Norah (Huiwen ) Zhang
February 3-5, 2017
19th Annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Bailey Carter and Claire Hardy
October 2016: RIT, Rochester, NY
Norah (Huiwen ) Zhang gave a talk titled Multifractals and the Market
Fall 2016
2016 Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Stephanie Mongelli, Joshua Thorp, Megan Searing, and Sara Edell
April 2014: Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY
Up before Over: Informal Language before Formal Mathematical Vocabulary
Kyli Knickerbocker
How can we Accelerate our Advanced Common Core Students?
Courtney Larkin
Do you Suffer from Calculus Phobia?
Mary Losito
Are Manipulatives Just Toys?
Grace Crowell
January 2013: San Diego, CA
The Traveling Salesman Problem in Rectangular Grids
Eileen Bruns
The Secret of NIM
Larry Czubinski and Ashlee Evertt
The Queen Chicken Problem
Ashley Binnert, Grace Crowell, and Emiline Pelletier
Euler's Characteristic and Planar Graphs
Justin Sawran and Dyan VerSchage
Machine Learning: Support Vector Machines Using Nonlinear Rescaling-Augmented Lagrangian Method
Emiline Pelletier
Efficiency of the Atlanta Subway Network and Functional Connectivity of the Human Brain
Caitlin VerSchneider
April 2012: Mathematical Association of America; Hamilton College - Clinton, NY
Mathematics Anxiety Anonymous
Elisa Napierala
Got PCK?
Eileen Bruns and Caitlin VerSchneider
How Poor Mathematical Attitude Impacts Learning
Kerrie Sirianni and Kelly Husted
March 2012: Association of Mathematics Teachers of Rochester Area at St. John Fisher College - Rochester, NY
Attitude: Can't learn with one, can't learn without one!
Sarah Bremer and Jordan Mitchel
January 2012: Boston, MA
The Optimal Snowboarding Half-Pipe
Kerry Gannon
November 2011
Coloring Outside the Lines: Finding 4- Chromatic Unit Distance Graphs
Emily Bonomo, Eileen Bruns, and Caitlin Verschneider
October 2011: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in Atlantic City, NJ
An EXCEL-ent Way of Creating Interactive Applets
Caitlin VerSchneider and Elisa Napierala
January 2011: American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America in New Orleans, LA
Sperner Property for Integer Partition Partially Ordered Sets
Kerry Gannon
October 2009: Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
List of Decoding Algorithms of Reed Solomon Codes and their Maximum Decoding Radii
Caitlin Parmelee
April 2009: Union College
Linearity of Lexicographic Codes
Ashley Patchen
Hat Quandry
Chris Zimmerman
Not Your Average Game
Cooper Murphy
Strategies for the Nine-Player Hat Problem and Some Connections to Coding Theory
Caitlin Parmelee
The Cat and the Hat Game
Joe Mihalich
What Color is Your Hat?
Jolie Roat
February 2009:University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Polynomial Parametic Curves in Two Dimensions
Jolie Roat
Mathematical Literature
Katie Gravelle
April 2008: St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Teaching Elementary Mathematics
Jenny Pollastro and Katie Green
Mathematical Literature for Elementary Students
Katie Gravelle
Investigating the Structure of a Double Bubble Cookie
Pam Welch
Doubling the Cube
Cooper Murphy
Polynomial Parametic Curves in Two Dimensions
Jolie Roat
Rational Parameterization of Conic Sections
Chris Zimmerman
Rational Parameterization of the nth Dimensional Sphere
Ashley Patchen
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