Nazareth physical therapy students participate in two types of clinical experience as part of their curriculum.
Part-time, integrated clinical experience: You'll benefit from five semesters of weekly experiences with patients, supervised by clinical instructors, during the semesters when you're taking classes. Many of these experiences occur in our professional physical therapy clinics on campus at the York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute.
Begin clinicals in your first semester of the professional phase of the program and continue every semester except your final term — a total of 5 semesters of clinical work under the direct supervision of the Nazareth faculty.
Full-time clinical experiences: Four off-campus clinical experiences provide 31 weeks of full-time clinical experience. Nazareth has contracts with more than 500 clinical sites in a variety of settings, across the country - and even in France.
Our on-campus York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute provides extensive opportunities to students in multiple disciplines, as well as providing valued services to the community.