Faculty and Staff Committees

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Faculty Senate leaders

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate documents (open to all Nazareth employees)

Faculty Senate internal documents (open to senators signed in to Nazareth Gmail)

Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Faculty Senate Executive Committee documents (open to all Nazareth employees)

Faculty Senate Executive Committee internal documents (open to Executive Committee members signed in to Nazareth Gmail)

Faculty Standing Committees (elected)

Academic Assessment
  • 3 year term
  • 6 full-time faculty; 4 years full-time teaching exp.
  • Members cannot serve simultaneously on the Assessment and Curriculum Committees
  • 1 from CAS - Hist/Soc. Sci/Nat Sci/Math
  • 1 from CAS - Humanities
  • 1 from CAS - Visual and Performing Arts
  • 1 from the School of Business and Leadership
  • 1 from the College of Interprofessional Health and Human Services
  • 1 from the School of Education
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election
  • One student member, elected by the com; Ex-officio: Dir. of Inst. Res. and Assess. or rep; Stud. Learn. Assess. Coord.; Rep. of the Dean's Council


Core Curriculum
  • 3 year term
  • Members cannot serve simultaneously on the Assessment and Curriculum Committees
  • 8 full-time faculty; no two from the same department can serve at same time; 4 years full-time teaching experience, at least 2 from NCR
  • 1 from Visual and Performing Arts
  • 1 from History and Social Sciences
  • 1 from Language and Literature
  • 1 from the School of Business and Leadership
  • 1 from the School of Education
  • 1 from the College of Interprofessional Health and Human Services
  • 1 from Natural Sciences and Math
  • 1 from Religious Studies and Philosophy
  • Ex-Officio (non-voting): Core Curriculum Director; Student Learning Assessment Coordinator; Director of Advising or a designee; CAS Dean
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then 1 year must lapse before they are eligible for re-election

Committee Documents

Core Curriculum Resources for all Faculty and Staff 

  • 3 year term
  • 5 full-time faculty who have held full-time appointment at NCR for at least 2 years
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election


Faculty Development
  • 3 year term
  • 5 full-time faculty members
  • 1 from each rank (Full, Associate, Assistant) and 2 at large
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election


Faculty Grievance
  • 3 year term
  • 5 tenured full-time faculty members from Full and Assoc. Rank (at least 1 member from each rank) who have been full-time faculty at NCR for at least 5 years
  • No more than two members from same dept.
  • No members of Rank and Tenure
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election


Faculty Lecture, Film, and Associates
  • 3 year term
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election


Faculty Welfare
  • 3 year term
  • 5 full-time faculty who have been at NCR for at least 1 year
  • 2 members from Full or Associate rank
  • 2 members from Assistant or Instructor rank
  • 1 at large
  • Ex-officio (non-voting): VPAA, VP Finance, Director of Personnel
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election


Submit ideas or concerns: Any faculty member is encouraged to share ideas, suggestions, or concerns about faculty welfare matters by completing this electronic form. The elected faculty members of the committee will review the form to determine if more information is needed and whether the matter will be brought to the entire committee.

The full committee (including ex-officio members) discusses matters raised and generates a plan. The committee also may reach out to other parties on campus, such as Faculty Senate, for additional information. If you provide your name on the form, the chairperson may contact you for additional information, you may be invited to a committee meeting, and you will be told the outcome.

Human Subjects Research
  • 3 year term
  • 1 full-time faculty member from each School/College; 2 at large


Rank and Tenure
  • 4 year term
  • 5 tenured full-time full professors
  • No members of Faculty Grievance
  • Ex-Officio: VPAA (voting)



Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) - replaced in 2016 by Faculty Senate

Faculty Ad Hoc Committees

Faculty Evaluation
Faculty Responsibilities and Workload

Staff Committees

Staff Welfare


Ongoing opportunity: Staff members may submit suggestions about Nazareth  through an online suggestion form.

Joint Committees (faculty and staff)

Academic Computing Planning
  • 3 year term
  • 4 full-time faculty
  • Ex-Officio: rep. from Instructional Technology Services; faculty library rep., and a rep. appointed from a list of int. faculty with exp. teaching and using tech.
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election


Academic Integrity
  • 3 year term
  • One faculty member from each of the School of Man., the School of HHS, and the School of Ed; two faculty members from the CAS
  • Ex Officio: VPAA or their representative; VP of Student Devel. or their representative; representative from the Acad. Advisement center; and Director of the Writing Center
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election
Academic Space
  • 3 year term
  • 4 full-time faculty: 1 from senior ranks, 1 from junior ranks, and 2 at large
  • Members may serve 2 consecutive terms, then wait 1 year before they are eligible for re-election


Athletic Advisory
  • 3 year term
  • 2 full-time faculty
Campus Planning & Budget Council
Diversity & Inclusion Ad Hoc Committee
  • 4 year term
  • 4 full-time faculty
  • 1 year must lapse before an outgoing member is eligible for candidacy
Multicultural Affairs
  • 3 year term
  • 4 full-time faculty

Faculty Manual

Committee descriptions, structures, organization, policies, and procedures are detailed in the faculty manual.