Resources for Faculty and Staff

This is your one-stop page for links to all auxiliary documents that relate to Nazareth's Core curriculum.

Academic and College Success

Academic and College Success (ACS) is a 1-credit course taken by first year students the same semester that they take a First Year Seminar (FYS).

Collaboration between FYS and ACS instructors is encouraged with the goal of highlighting the connections between course content and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). The SLOs for these two courses taken together are as follows:

  • Oral Communication: Students will be able to demonstrate skills in oral communication, in multiple situations to multiple audiences
  • Transitional: Students will be able to (1) set goals related to their Nazareth success and (2) reflect on their personal experience and growth during the first semester at Nazareth
  • Core Curriculum: Students will be able to articulate the structure of the Core and the rationale behind this structure (i.e., the modeling of question asking and exploration in the P-EQs; choosing their own question to explore in their Integrative Studies and Experiential Learning, and integrating and reflecting on their learning in the Core Milestone Experience)
  • Values: Students will explore their values and those of others and will be able to articulate their own values
  • Diversity: Students will demonstrate an awareness of the diversity of human experiences

University Community Engagement:

In addition, both FYS and ACS will require students to engage in the Nazareth community and participate in out-of-class experiences as follows:


  • Every instructor will have at least one out-of-class interaction with students. This can be conferencing, a party, a chemistry workshop, etc.
  • Every section will require students to attend some sort of activity outside of class that is related to the course content (lecture, play, etc.).


  • Every section will require students to attend one community building event that immerses students in the life of the university.

If both FYS and ACS instructors assign the same event for a particular student, the student is required to attend only that one event. 

ACS Learning Domains:

Knowledge of Self and Others:

  • Students will be able to recognize and articulate their unique learning styles, talents and abilities.
  • Students will develop a sense of community and connection on campus
  • Students will be able to learn from another with different beliefs/backgrounds/culture and recognize their own cultural biases

Management of University Life:

  • Students will be able to identify which campus resources serve which needs
  • Students will be able to demonstrate good time management and study skill techniques.

Personal Responsibility and Decision Making:

  • Students will be able to set achievable goals and monitor their progress towards future success
  • Students will be able to understand the elements of good decisions
Advising Students

Overview of the Core

The Core includes Foundational Courses, Perspective-Enduring Questions (P-EQs), and Integrative Studies (IS) Courses.

  • Foundational Courses
    • Academic & College Success (ACS): Gives freshmen (ACS 101) and transfers (ACS 090) the opportunity to learn and discuss transitional aspects of university and explore ways of making the most of university and transition effectively to Nazareth.
    • University Writing I and II : ENGW 101 and ENGW 102 or equivalent
  • Experiential Learning: Includes at least one of the following approved areas
    • Service learning
    • Internships
    • Co-Curricular Service
    • Educational Field Hours (e.g. clinicals, student teaching)
    • Study Abroad Experiences
    • Research
    • Undergraduate Creative Activities
  • Health and Wellness
  • P-EQs: Introduce students to ways of thinking and knowing in each perspective areas. Each student is required to take at least one course in each area (History, Literature, Mathematics, Natural Science with a Lab, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Social Science,Visual and Performing Arts)
  • IS Courses: Provide depth of knowledge through exploration of  a particular interest or question. Students will choose three courses (200- level or higher) that are thematically connected. Only one course may be from their own major. P-EQs may not count as IS courses
  • Core Milestone Experience
    • Students will formally reflect on their P-EQ, IS and EL artifacts and think and integrate their learning.
    • Students will create and present something (webpage, project, video, performance, artwork) typically junior year or fall senior year.

Advising the Core

  • P-EQ Courses
    • The following include an example of enduring questions that students will explore in different P-EQ courses.
    • HISTORY (What can the study of history teach us?)
    • LITERATURE (What makes us human?)
    • MATHEMATICS (How can we know mathematical truths?)
    • PHILOSOPHY (What is knowledge?)
    • RELIGIOUS STUDIES (What is the meaning and purpose of life?)
    • SOCIAL SCIENCE (Why do people on welfare not have jobs?)
    • NATURAL SCIENCE (How do scientists use the scientific method to understand the processes that occur in living systems and inorganic processes?)
    • VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS (What is Art?)
  • Integrative Studies
    • The integrative studies is designed to give students the power to choose three courses according to their interest. It places the responsibility onto the students to demonstrate their integration of materials from the three courses. It is lastly designed to provide students the opportunity to reflect and showcase what they learned in the Core Milestone Experience.
    • Integration refers to finding common elements, themes and ideas that make connections across time, disciplines and experiences
      • Questions to ask students to get them started:
        • Which courses really grabbed your attention?
        • What were your favorite P-EQ courses? What did you like about them?
        • What minor would you take if you had time?
      • Questions to ask students for helping them formulate an IS Question:
        • What connections do you see in your potential IS courses?
        • What makes you happy, why?
        • What courses have made you curious about something? What is it?
  • Core Milestone Experience
    • Throughout the CME course, students formally identify their IS Question and 3 IS courses. Students formally reflect their collected P-EQ, IS, and EL artifacts by answering specific questions about their intellectual journey. Students lastly create a final piece (webpage, project, video, performance, artwork) and present a public version of this piece in their class. The final project should make connections between their IS Question and the three courses, across disciplines and their other archived P-EQ, EL, and H&W learning.
  • Experiential Learning
    • The goals of Experiential Learning are to enable students to (1) describe and reflection on the learning process, (2) explore, evaluate, and articulation personal and social values, and (3) integrate and apply academic skills to understanding practical experiences and problems found worldwide. Students EL Reflections are assessed using three of the the four following rubrics:
      • RFLT4: Can describe and explore personal values and beliefs
      • RFLT2: Can evaluate own learning, skills, strengths, and challenges
      • APLY1: Integrates academic and practical experience
      • INT3: Develops relationships with others who have different beliefs and backgrounds and is willing to learn from them

FYS and ACS Failure Policies

Core Student Learning Outcomes & Rubrics

Core Student Learning Outcomes

1.Written & Oral Communication: Students will write and speak effectively for multiple purposes and audiences.

2. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Students will comprehensively analyze artifacts, experiences, ideas, or problems, and then form a conclusion or design a solution.

3. Quantitative, Qualitative, & Scientific Reasoning: Students will inquire, gather data/information, experiment, evaluate data/evidence, and make inferences using quantitative, qualitative, and scientific reasoning.

4. Information Literacy: Students will recognize the need for information; access, evaluate, and use information effectively, ethically, and legally.

5. Aesthetic Study: Students will critically engage with and assess contemporary and historical works and practices in the domains of  visual and performing arts, considering their cultural, historical, and social contexts.

6. Technological Competency: Students will use digital technology appropriately to advance reasoning, problem-solving, and communication.

7. Ethical Reasoning: Students will distinguish ethical issues and problems from scientific, technical, or wholly personal issues and problems, and think critically about such issues and problems.

8.Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Students will engage in critical practices and discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion.

9. Integration: Students will apply knowledge from multiple disciplines and experience to new, complex situations.

Core Milestone Experience


The Core Milestone Experience shall serve as the setting in which students reflect on their learning through collected P-EQ and IS artifacts, in addition to Experiential Learning. This reflection shall take place in two ways: with respect to 1.) the particular question students chose to explore in their respective Integrative Studies clusters, and 2.) their intellectual development, thinking about the skills and knowledge they have acquired through the Core Curriculum and how it relates to their major area of study and career goals.

Experiential Learning

Characteristics of EL

The Definition of Experiential Learning at Nazareth University

Experiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience in a real world context.[1] Experiential learning is a philosophy and methodology in which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills and clarify values.  Facilitated and guided practice, reflection and evaluation are all essential components of this transformative method of learning.[2]

The Goals and Objectives of Experiential Learning

Student may choose to engage in one (or more) of a number of very different Experiential Learning Pathways depending on their interests, but there is a common set of Core Student Learning Outcomes, which are the same ‘across the board,’ and a common rubric is used to assess student learning in all Pathways.

  Successful students are able to:

  • Describe and reflect on the learning process
  • Explore, evaluate and articulate personal and social values
  • Integrate and apply academic skills to understanding practical experiences and problems found in our world

Experiential Learning Pathways

There are seven identified Experiential Learning Pathways at Nazareth University:

  • Service Learning (course-based)
  • Student Leadership
  • Internships
  • Co-curricular Service
  • Educational Field Hours, Student Teaching, Practica & Clinicals
  • Study Abroad
  • Undergraduate Creative Activity, Research & Scholarship (CARS)

Experiential Learning Best Practices

Following NSEE’s ‘Principles of Good Practice in Experiential Learning,’ all EL Pathways at Nazareth University can demonstrate that they:

  • Are Intentional
  • Involve Preparedness & Planning 
  • Are Authentic
  • Include Reflection
  • Provide Formative Feedback
  • Evaluate themselves
  • Acknowledge

Experiential Learning and the Core Curriculum

Ideally, students will have engaged in a number of Experiential Learning opportunities while at Nazareth University. From these, they will choose the one that best fits with their Core Integrative Studies[1] to be their ‘Exemplar’ EL (if more than one fits well, students may choose them all). If a student is not able to participate in an EL Pathway that has clear connections with their Integrative Studies, his/her ‘Exemplar’ EL should be chosen on the basis of connections with the major. In either case, the EL is integrated with students’ curricular education.

Students have an opportunity to think about their ‘Exemplar’ EL and how it relates to the rest of their education (core and/or major) in the Core Milestone Experience (CME). Students who have completed their EL before engaging in the Core Milestone Experience will, in the CME, reflect on this integration and the relationship between academic skills and knowledge and practical experience and problems. Students who have not yet completed their EL will, in the CME, ‘pre-reflect’ on this integration, and learn from other students about the Pathways and what is possible in each.

[1] Itin, C. M. (1999). Reasserting the Philosophy of Experiential Education as a Vehicle for Change in the 21st Century. The Journal of Experiential Education, 22(2), 91-98.

First Year Seminar

Characteristics of Perspectives Enduring Questions in First Year Seminar 

First Year Seminar courses are Perspectives Enduring Questions courses that are, in addition, designed to engage first year students in university-level learning and the Nazareth University Core Curriculum. As such, the main differences between an FYS and a P-EQ version of the same course are twofold: First Year Seminars serve as students’ introduction to the core, and they are taught with specific pedagogies. First Year Seminars are considered a high-impact practice.

FYS courses engage students in oral communication, informal writing, and active learning as they join the Nazareth University learning community. In addition, FYS courses provide students with opportunities to begin to identify an enduring or messy question(s) that they find meaningful. They are made aware of the process of and purpose for selecting an Enduring Questions artifact in each P-EQ course, and are guided through this process as they do it for the first time. Students will consider Integrative Studies options related to their personal goals and interests. The FYS introduces the core portfolio as a tool for collection, reflection and integration throughout the course of undergraduate study. Students are co-requisitely taking a 1-credit graded Academic College Success (ACS) course that addresses transitional issues between high school and the four-year university environment and is based on the University's definition of Student Success. 

Introducing the Core in FYS:

Instructors will ‘walk through’ the Core at the end of one class period (video is available). Students will be assigned homework in which they answer questions about the core and their interests.

Next class, have them share their answers in a groups of 4 or 5. Then have groups share results with the entire class. (Use technology of your choice). Now return to the ‘walk through’ of the previous class and explain PEQ and IS courses in relation to their dreams, hopes and aspirations (enduring question). 

Strategies for Teaching First-Year Students

  • It’s important to remember to start where the students are in a First Year student only course. Perhaps they don’t know what you think they will, or perhaps they know it by some other name than the one you’re using.
  • Start slowly. You may be able to go quickly through chapters or readings later in the course. But giving yourself permission to spend a lot of time ‘setting the stage’ can establish a good group dynamic, and you’ll be less likely to leave some behind.
  • Give detailed instructions on assignments. Given that students may have a very wide set of experiences in high school, it is best to ‘get everyone on the same page’ regarding assignment expectations from the get-go.
  • Remember that they are Freshmen. When teaching PIs, there was always a mixture of students at different levels. In an FYS you are introducing one or more Enduring Questions and your subject to a group of Freshmen only. They have no upper-level student models for how to act in class: how to ask question; how to answer questions; etc. You need to help them.
  • While ACS familiarizes students with campus resources, it is good to repeat some of that information, as appropriate in the FYS.
  • Consider allowing discussion to lead a whole class period, even when you feel the pressure to get through more material.

Successful Class Activities (need one activity)

Successful out-of-class activities

  • On-campus pizza party
  • Bagels in Pittsford Village
  • Ice Cream at Pittsford Dairy
  • Trip to zoo to observe animal behavior in conjunction with Aesop’s Fables
  • Eric Canal boat ride in conjunction with archiving project
  • Trip to Rochester Museum and Science Center in conjunction with science principles of class
  • Attendance at lectures on and off campus

FYS Proposal form
How to create an FYS Course
FYS Syllabus Template

Health and Wellness

The Definition of Health and Wellness at Nazareth University

 Living well means learning to make healthy decisions in various aspects of one’s life—environmentally, intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially, financially, and spiritually.  

 The Goals and Objectives of Health and Wellness

Student may choose to engage in one (or more) of a number of very different Health and Wellness Pathways depending on their interests, but there is a common set of Core Student Learning Outcomes, which are the same ‘across the board’.

Successful students are able to:

  • Identify the multiple components of living well
  • Identify the benefits of a healthy lifestyle
  • Possess basic health literacy skills

Health and Wellness Pathways

Building upon the Health and Wellness foundation established in ACS, students choose one identified HW pathway from the following options:

  • A non-credit-bearing HW course (formerly known as PE)
  • A credit-bearing HW designated course offering
  • Participation on a Nazareth athletic team for at least one season

 HW Pathway Structure and Capturing Student Completion

Students must fulfill the requirements of their chosen Pathway in order to satisfy their Core Curriculum Health and Wellness requirement. In addition, if appropriate in a particular Pathway, students may be responsible for reflecting on their experience and archiving their reflections and other artifacts from their HW in their Portfolios).Typically, in a course-based HW, successful completion of the course entails successful completion of the HW Requirement. Such courses will have an ‘HW attribute’ attached to them in the NazNet system that is tracked on students’ degree audits. A credit-bearing HW course must demonstrate how it incorporates components of the Wellness Wheel (below) that has been adopted by the Nazareth University Wellness Steering Committee.

In a non-course-based HW activity (e.g., participation on a team), the Activity Leader will be trained to upload the names of students who have successfully completed the HW into NazNet.

Student Reflection on Health and Wellness Experiences

Ideally, students will have engaged in a number of HW opportunities while at Nazareth University. Students have an opportunity to think about their HW experiences in the Core Milestone Experience (CME). Students who have not yet completed their HW will, in the CME, learn from other students about the Health and Wellness options and what is possible in each. 

 Questions about HW should be directed to the Director of Core.

Integrative Studies

The Goals & Spirit of Integrative Studies

Integrative Studies develops depth of knowledge by providing students opportunities to explore a particular enduring question or interest in three upper-level courses.[1] Integrative Studies is characterized as follows:

  • Choice: Students choose their Integrative Studies courses (it is not mandated by their program) based upon their own interests outside their major program of study (these interests can, however, be related to their major).
  • Responsibility: Students must demonstrate their integration of selected materials from the various components of the core.
  • Opportunity for Reflection: Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their Integrative Studies in an authentic Core Milestone Experience, the value of which is communicated to them by their program and its faculty.

Integration: What it Means

Integration happens throughout the Core Curriculum, but what and how the various parts of the Core are integrated takes different forms at the different levels of the Core.

  • Perspectives-Enduring Questions explore one or more questions that are enduring or messy and through this, introduce students to the content, method of inquiry and perspectives within the discipline. Consequently, these courses explicitly illustrate various questions and the ways that different disciplines ask and explore questions. Through these courses students become equipped to ask their own questions, understand what kind of questions they are asking, and successfully explore them.
  • Integrative Studies provide students the opportunity to explore a question that interests them in three advanced-level courses that are thematically connected to each other at a more advanced level. These courses provide both integration of content as well as integration with the P-EQ methods of question-asking, and question-exploring.
  • The Core Milestone Experience provides students the opportunity to reflect on how they have explored their particular question in the context of their three Integrative Studies courses (and, if possible, their Experiential Learning), and used the methods of question-exploration as founded in their P-EQ experience.

The Three Courses

The courses that make up a student’s Integrative Studies must be 200-level or higher, and they can be any course—liberal or professional, in different disciplines or in one. Students can even choose three 1-credit courses to count as one of their three IS courses. The only limitations are these:

  • At most one of the three courses that a student takes as their Integrative Studies is a course that fulfills a major requirement 
  • P-EQ courses cannot be used as Integrative Studies courses
  • Students can choose courses from their second major or minor(s) for their Integrative Studies
  • Departments may not mandate a particular set of IS courses. Departments should be committed to promoting a maximum degree of freedom in students’ choice of IS courses 

Students will have completed most of their P-EQ courses before they begin their Integrative Studies.

Choosing the Three Courses

There are a number of aids to help students choose their three Integrative Studies courses:

  • Intentionally Selecting IS based on Big Ideas: Analysis of past students' CME projects found that students were most interested in the following Big Ideas: Power, Wellness, Identity, and Meaning.
  • Integrative Studies Spreadsheet: This spreadsheet was developed as a means to help students more easily view potential IS courses with the hopes that students will more intentionally select their courses around a Big Idea/ Enduring Question they are interested in exploring.
  • Determining if a course is an IS or not:
  • Advisors, Faculty, Staff & Peers: The stated Big Ideas and Enduring Questions are not meant to restrict student choice. Students should be encouraged (by their Advisors and others) to choose courses across the disciplines, and between liberal and professional studies so long as the student can form connections between them.

IS Artifacts

From each potential IS course, students will select one or more artifact(s) that they think pertains to the exploration of their question, and is representative of the work they did in the course. Artifacts are intended to be an existing piece of academic work created during the course—perhaps a paper, presentation, project, performance, etc. Like in P-EQ courses, students will then archive the artifact in their core portfolio.

[1] ‘Upper-level’ course is defined here as 200-level or higher that is not a P-EQ course.

Core Milestone Experience (CME)

Having completed two of their IS courses, and either during or after their third IS course, students will enroll in a 0-credit course entitled the ‘Core Milestone Experience’.[1] In this course students reflect formally on their collected P-EQ and IS artifacts with respect to their intellectual journey connected to their particular question.

This 0-credit course will be facilitated by faculty with graduate student support. While it is 0-credit for students, facilitating 50 students through this process is equivalent to a regular 3-credit course. Some faculty responsibilities will include:

  • Being trained as a ‘CME Instructor’ (e.g., attending a CME workshop)
  • Having four meetings with the fifty students in three smaller groups of 16 or 17, for a total of nine meetings. The four meetings are structured around the following themes: (1) Preparation, (2) Proposal, (3) Progress, and (4) Presentation.
  • Evaluating the students’ work and providing feedback
  • Supporting students in their preparation of a public version of their work that will be shared with other students in the same section
  • Participating in assessment activities and meetings related to supporting and refining Integrative Studies in the Core Curriculum
  • Engaging in assessment of Core Student Learning Outcomes in randomly selected Core Portfolios
Perspectives Enduring Questions Courses

The Perspective-Enduring Questions Courses (P-EQs)

Perspectives (P)

Perspectives Enduring Questions courses, or P-EQs, present breadth in liberal studies. They serve as an introduction to eight areas: history, literature, mathematics, natural sciences, philosophy, religious studies, social sciences, and visual and performing arts. Each course strives to foster in students an appreciation for multiple perspectives within a discipline. At this level, students develop the facility to reason effectively, incorporating foundational skills in writing, reading, listening, speaking, and logical, mathematical and scientific reasoning. They begin to practice higher-order capabilities in analysis, integration, and application of arguments and information. Particular Student Learning Outcomes are housed in certain areas of P-EQ courses are assessed periodically using the Core University-wide rubrics.

Enduring Questions Framework (EQ)

Each P-EQ course has, at its center, a faculty-chosen enduring or messy question. Enduring or messy questions have no obvious answer and have been asked and answered in various ways for millennia. These sorts of questions are threaded throughout students’ academic learning experience, allowing for sustained scholarly dialogues regarding specific questions within the core curriculum.

From each Perspectives course, students will select one or more artifact(s) that will be retained in their Google Drive. The artifact is intended to be an existing piece of academic work created during the course—perhaps a paper, presentation, project, performance, etc. In addition to this EQ artifact, students submit an EQ Reflection that prompts them to make connections between the course EQ and the course content, as well as to reflect on the development of their learning. Instructors create these prompts in relation to the Core EQ Reflection rubric. Students will then archive these artifacts and reflections in their Google Drive to be available when, in the Core Milestone Experience, they reflect on their core experience at Nazareth University. 

Cultural and Global Goals

All P-EQ courses are expected to address one or both of the goals:

  • Goal I: Address skills, methods, concepts and/or theories that will enable students to investigate and transcend socio-cultural boundaries.

  • Goal II: Explore the idea that social and political forces affecting our lives are not confined to the internal workings of the United States, North America or Western Europe. If a course does focus on these internal workings, it must in addition explore the experiences of some of the marginalized population groups within these regions and/or urgent domestic issues as linked to global patterns and transnational processes.

Core Curriculum Student Learning Outcomes

 Perspectives Enduring Questions courses are one part of the Core Curriculum.

 Students’ learning experiences in each P-EQ course should contribute to their accomplishment of (some of) the Core Student Learning Outcomes listed below.

 After completing the Core Curriculum, students will be able to do the following (among others): 

  1. COMMUNICATE: Communicate (read, write, speak) with clarity and precision
  2. INTERACT: Interact effectively in various social and cultural settings
  3. KNOW: Demonstrate understanding of fundamental principles and theories within the disciplines
  4. ASK: Ask discipline appropriate questions
  5. USE: Use discipline appropriate methods of inquiry
  6. EVALUATE: Evaluate reasoning and disciplinary approaches to the exploration of questions
  7. APPLY: Apply knowledge and skills to solve problems and integrate ideas
  8. BE CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE: Understand cultural frameworks and demonstrate cultural empathy
  9. REFLECT: Reflect on own learning, beliefs, and values
  10. PURSUE HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Articulate goals related to wellness

How to complete a P-EQ Proposal

Enduring Questions: What are they? What are they not?

The Criteria

The Question(s):

  • It’s a big picture, overarching, non-specific question
  • Should open up other questions
  • They should be questions that we think are important/non-trivial
  • Some relevance to everyone
  • Guides purposeful, intentional discovery
  • Explores the human condition and our environment (personal, environment, cosmos)
  • Can address the issue of “purpose” (this tends to be the root of disagreements), i.e., teleological- the idea that there is a purpose behind things, it’s not just there by chance. (acorn’s final purpose is to become an oak)

 The Answer(s):

  • No one right, definitive answer
  • The answer that a student comes to is not as important as the exploration of the question and learning how to explore the question
  • A logical/empirical/evidence-based argument can be constructed for a possible answer as well as other modes of knowing, i.e., mystical/spiritual. (Connection to the Mission Statement)
  • Answers can be explored from multiple disciplines and perspectives


  • Connections between course content and student lives, and between courses/disciplines
  • Connections between student’s program of study (and personal questions) and issues of concern locally, nationally, and globally.
  • Cultural awareness and sensitivity. Exploration of understanding of others.
  • Deeper understanding of self, natural world, human condition, and cosmos
  • Self-examination, deep thinking, and re-thinking

Check out:

Strategies for Formal Writing

The Writing Process is recursive, that is, the stages can be sequential or returned to (recycled) until the desired product is achieved. One way to experience the writing process is through a series of roles:  MADMAN, ARCHITECT, CARPENTER, JUDGE.

MADMAN:  This is the pre-writing stage in which “anything goes” by way of brainstorming, mapping, clustering, webbing, listing, etc.  

ARCHITECT:  This is the drafting stage in which the writer chooses and organizes pertinent points that illustrate and/or support the controlling idea. 

CARPENTER: This is the re-envisioning stage in which the writer re-thinks and refines the writing, focusing on order of ideas, developed paragraphs, effective sentences, and vivid diction. 

JUDGE:  This is the editing stage in which the writer evaluates the validity and coherence of ideas, as well as the mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.) of the text.  

Core Curriculum Committee

Core Curriculum Committee Membership 2022-2023

  • Cheri Boyd - CAS (Science & Math)
  • Margaret Callahan-Steckley - SOE
  • Elizabeth Hebert - HHS
  • Suhail Islam - CAS (Languages & Literature)
  • Susan Nowak - CAS (Religious Studies & Philosophy)
  • Roy Stein - SBL
  • Samantha Nolte-Yupari - CAS (Visual & Performing Arts)
  • Nyelah O'Meally (Undergraduate Student Representative)

Ex-Officio: Kelly Hutchinson-Anderson (Director of Core), Linda Searing (Academic Advisement), Lauren Brooks (Director of Academic Assessment), Thomas Lappas (Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, Business, and Education)

General Documents