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Nazareth College to Host Discussion on Legacies of Mohandas Gandhi and Dorothy Day

Published September 11, 2017

Martha and Kate Hennessy, grandchildren of Dorothy Day, and Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas Gandhi will meet for the first time in Rochester to discuss their world renowned grandparents’ legacies of nonviolence. The event will take place Friday, September 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Forum of the Shults Center. Nazareth College is located at 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y., 14618. This event is free and open to the public. For more information contact  .

All three individuals have actively continued their grandparents’ legacies of nonviolence and will share reflections of their experiences learning about peacemaking. These reflections will be shared in discussion of their effectiveness in our current time.

Dorothy Day was the founder of the Catholic Worker Movement in 1933 and was the pivotal figure in fostering a return to nonviolence in the American Catholic Church. She was recently cited by Pope Francis as an American worth emulating alongside Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Thomas Merton. Mohandas Gandhi led the Indian Independence Movement against British rule and inspired civil rights movements across the world through his philosophy of nonviolence.


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