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Nazareth College Art Department to host Print Club of Rochester’s 86th Annual Juried Members Exhibition with artists reception Saturday, Oct. 7

Published September 22, 2017

The Nazareth College Art Department is pleased to present the Print Club of Rochester’s (PCoR) 86th annual juried members exhibition in the Arts Center Gallery, running Friday, Oct 6. –Friday, Nov. 17, 2017, with an artist reception on Saturday, Oct. 7  from 5–7 p.m. in the gallery.

PCoR is one of the oldest continuously run print related organizations in the country. Through their educational and yearly programming they support makers, print aficionados and collectors alike. In recent years the Club has been expanding membership to include members from Australia, Netherlands, Canada and numerous states. The Club has been able to support an international community with one thing in common,"A passion for printmaking". Dedicated to an expanding definition of what printmaking is, the Print Club of Rochester is excited to share the depth and breadth of their diverse membership with the Nazareth community and the greater Rochester area.

The juror for this exhibition is artist and sculptor Barron Naegal. Barren works with mixed mediums that explore tactile and visual dynamics and how they interact and relate to space. He pursued his  graduate work at the University of Michigan and currently teaches as an assistant professor at FLCC in art. He currently works and resides in Rochester, NY.

The Print Club of Rochester’s 86th Annual Juried Member Exhibition

Friday, Oct. 6–Friday, Nov. 17, 2017; Artist Reception Saturday, Oct. 7, 5–7 p.m.

Arts Center Gallery Hours: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, noon–5pm; Friday and Saturday, noon–8pm

Automated info line: (585) 389-5073


Holland Houdek, Gallery Diretor: 585-389-2536

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The Print Club of Rochester