A thought-provoking series for people seeking a learning community dedicated to exploring life's meaning and purpose. The series engages the religious, sociopolitical, and scientific issues of our time to identify the best of human values and stimulate thoughtful, creative responses for the enrichment of all peoples and stewardship of our earth.

William H. Shannon Chair in Catholic Studies/Naz 100th Summit: A Century of Uniting Education and Action

Learning to Live, Together, in Love

Inspired by Pope Francis’ invitation to a “culture of encounter,” and responding to Nazareth University’s Centennial theme of Uniting Education and Action, the William H. Shannon Chair in Catholic Studies is proud to offer two Centennial Summits.

Under the banner of “Learning to Live, Together, in Love,” the Fall 2024 Summit (September 20-21, 2024) focused on Nazareth’s mission that is informed by the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph: to serve the neighbor without distinction. From its beginning in 1924, Nazareth has been committed to education and action — a legacy that is alive today through dynamic curricula and programs designed to respond to the needs of today. Presentations by artist Alan Pascuzzi, Sister Jean Bellini, and Sister Patricia Schoelles offered insights into how their liberal learning experience at Naz became the underpinning and incentive for their courageous, gutsy, and vigorous response to the challenges facing them. The witness of their lives offers significant testimony to how Nazareth’s mission continues today in profound and unique expressions.

The Spring 2025 Summit (April 6, 2025) will expand the conversation to examine how spirituality informs action by featuring noted scholars from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions who will reflect on how resources in their respective tradition underpin and inspire initiatives for interfaith dialogue, peace building, and just relationships—and how being grounded in a tradition supports and challenges them to learn to live, together, in love. 


Alan Pascuzzi '91

Nazareth – A Branch that will Bear Fruit: The Cultivation of the Individual, the Beauty, and the Significance of the Nazareth Experience

Jean Bellini ‘65, SSJ and Patricia Schoelles ’74, SSJ

My Journey: Shaped by Relationships with People in Each Time and Place — Jean Bellini ‘65, SSJ

From Foundations to Future: 100 Years of SSJ Influence at Nazareth University — Patricia Schoelles ’74, SSJ

Spring Summit

The Spring 2025 Shannon Lecture Series Centennial Summit (April 6, 2025) will expand the conversation to examine how spirituality informs action by featuring noted scholars from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions who will reflect on how resources in their respective tradition underpin and inspire initiatives for interfaith dialogue, peace building, and just relationships—and how being grounded in a tradition supports and challenges them to learn to live, together, in love.