Major: biochemistry
Minors: legal studies and religious studies
Instrument: bassoon
At 14, bassoonist Chris Redmond was captivated by the massive, brilliant sound of the New York Philharmonic performing Mahler’s fifth symphony. He wanted to sound that good.
He couldn’t find a private teacher near his hometown, an hour north of Albany, N.Y. So he improved with mentoring by his band teacher — a tuba player — and practicing every day independently.
By the end of junior year, Redmond achieved a perfect score on his New York State School Music Association competition performance.
Encouraged by a state conference conductor to audition, he tried out at Eastman School of Music and at Juilliard School. “I really felt like I was at the top of my game. It felt great. I knew I was going to get in.”
But three months before high school graduation, he got two heart-breaking denials.
Looking back now, as a senior at Nazareth College, Redmond is grateful for the shift in his plans — and for diverse opportunities he never imagined.
At Nazareth, he chose a biochemistry major, drawing on his interest in science.
“I realized that my passion for music as a hobby is much greater than if I made it a job,” he says. “From my self-discipline as a musician, I had all the right tools to do whatever I wanted to.”
Then another challenge. He’d expected to play volleyball at Nazareth, but then his classes conflicted with practice. Now what?
“I thought of my grandfather, who was a judge in my hometown, and thought: How cool would it be to follow in his footsteps? He was the one everyone looked up to in the family. I always have wanted to emulate him.”
New goal: law school. And a minor in legal studies at Nazareth. “Taking Introduction to Law, taught by President Braveman, was truly the turning point when I knew that going to law school was really the right path for me, the path I could take to help people one day.” Law schools are open to a variety of undergraduate degrees, so he’s continued biochemistry.
Like Olivia Pope, the character on the ABC political thriller TV series Scandal, Redmond likes to solve problems. That could mean policy work for the government, perhaps focusing on health to take advantage of his biochemistry degree.
“You’re at the center,” he says of policy work. “I like the idea of having a problem come to me and being able to resolve it.”
Or he might pursue patent law, informed by his science background. Or work for the United Nations to improve human rights, inspired by his religious studies professor Susan Nowak and her classes about issues such as genocide. “In Religion 101, I was mesmerized by finding out how different societies live and work together and how religion acts to bring peace into this world — and blown away by the passion that Dr. Nowak put into teaching each of her classes.” The strong teacher-student connection drove him to add a religious studies minor.
Redmond liked science in high school and he loves doing research, which he began in his first semester at Nazareth. For the past several years, he’s focused on the proteins involved in E. coli infection. The work could lead to a way to prevent infection from tainted food.
“I learned the most about myself as a student through Independent Research, a course for chemistry majors, where I was able to apply the information and techniques I learned in my science courses to a real-life research project.”
“I don’t plan on going to graduate school to do research, but the development of my critical thinking skills through Independent Research gave me a tool that I know I will use throughout law school, and eventually as a lawyer.”
Senior year, he was accepted by multiple law schools and chose Suffolk University Law School in Boston, to focus on either patent law or health and biomedical law.
Redmond is the principal bassoonist of the Nazareth College Symphony Orchestra.
“There’s nothing like going to a practice room on campus and practicing orchestra music for an upcoming concert or playing a piece for fun. It’s so convenient to be able to leave the library, go to the Arts Center, and take my mind off school for a little bit.”
“Music is always going to be there. It’s gotten me to the place where I want to be. It has given me the discipline, the drive, and the passion to do anything I want.”
After Naz, he first became a law clerk at a real estate law practice group and earned his doctor of law degree from Suffolk Law School in Boston.
While juggling school, internships, and extracurriculars, he said his music was confined to enjoying the Boston Symphony Orchestra playing down the street from him at Symphony Hall.
He went on to be an associate attorney at Goodwin Procter LLP, a global law firm serving innovators and investors.
"Our professors will go out of their way to give us opportunities."
"Get involved as soon as possible and pursue what interests you. Join an ensemble, organization, and/or club. Fellow ensemble musicians and peers are the greatest and most welcoming people who will make you feel like you're a part of the music family. Everyone in the School of Music shares a deep passion for music! The Involvement Fair during orientation is a great way to find ways to get involved on campus."
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