Know Your Code

Don't want to sift through the full Code of Conduct document? This section contains a listing of the Nazareth University policies, rules, and regulations that prescribe the standards of conduct that Nazareth requires of all Students and Student Organizations. All members of the Nazareth community are required to become familiar with these policies and comply with them.

Students may be sanctioned for any conduct that includes, but is not limited to, the following acts of misconduct:


Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on campus grounds and in buildings, except in a residence hall room by persons 21 years and older under the conditions described below and where otherwise noted below. Consumption of alcohol may be inferred based upon the number, location, and condition of empty or partially empty cans and bottles.

The sale and/or distribution (including giving away) of alcoholic beverages to persons under age 21 on the Nazareth campus is prohibited.

Procedures for obtaining Nazareth approval to use campus facilities for events where alcoholic beverages will be served are available at the Information Desk, Shults Center, and the office of Sodexo Dining Services.

Alcoholic beverages in serving containers greater than 32 ounces (beer kegs, etc.) are prohibited, except at Sodexo catered events and at the discretion of Nazareth officials.

Nazareth recognizes Sodexo as the sole possessor of a catering/liquor license. Therefore, the public selling and/or dispensing of alcoholic beverages anywhere on campus is restricted to Sodexo personnel only.

Open containers of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in all corridors, lounges, stairwells, lobbies, parking lots, grounds, vehicles and any public areas of the campus unless Nazareth approval was previously received.

Student fees collected by Nazareth and/or student organizations and distributed through the Undergraduate Association will not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.

Non-alcoholic beverages and food items must be made equally available at any program or event where alcohol beverages are sold, distributed, or consumed.

During all Nazareth or student-sponsored events on campus, alcoholic beverages, where permitted, will be served only in an environment designated for each occasion.

Campus events that involve only persons 21 and older are catered by Sodexo personnel and require prior approval from Nazareth officials.

Students are prohibited from presenting themselves as another person through the misuse of identification. It is considered a misrepresentation of identity for any student to possess, alter, deface, manufacture, obtain, conspire to obtain, or falsify IDs.

Items/substances used to dispense alcohol in a rapid manner, (e.g., beer bongs, funnels, etc.) or drinking games (e.g., "Quarters," "Beer Pong," etc.) or any other tools that promote binge drinking are prohibited.

An incident in which a student, regardless of age, is transported to the hospital or when medical professionals are called to campus to evaluate the student for an alcohol or drug-related condition (i.e., intoxication, alcohol poisoning) will be treated as a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

Nazareth students who are found in violation of New York state law and/or campus policy pertaining to the sale, distribution, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs will be subject to possible parental notification, disciplinary action, and/or criminal prosecution.

The alcohol policy applies to residential and non-residential student conduct and to on- and off-campus behavior.

Computer use policy

Each student who has an account on a Nazareth computer system, or uses a computer system at Nazareth, must follow these general guidelines and Nazareth’s policy on computer use, which is available here

Alternatively, it may be obtained from the department of information technology services (Technology and Media Service Desk, lower level of the library). Computer users are expected to read and comply with all aspects of this complete policy. You are not permitted to:

  • Give out your password
  • Use another person’s account
  • Use any system for personal profit or gain
  • Create or distribute chain letters
  • Send/distribute threatening/harassing electronic messages, including electronic transmission of sexual or other private activity
  • Duplicate software/other intellectual property of another
  • Use computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws

Violation of any of these policies can result in loss of computer privileges, academic suspension, or other disciplinary action, or action by outside law enforcement agencies. In addition, all computers connected to the campus network must have effective and up-to-date virus protection software installed and running.


The treatment of an individual based on that individual's group, class, or category. Group, class, or category includes, but is not limited to, race, religion, age, citizenship, color, creed, culture, actual or perceived disabilities, gender, marital status, ethnic or national origin, political affiliation or preference, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic predisposition. 

Any gender-based or sexual misconduct alleged will be adjudicated under the Nazareth University Title IX Policy or Sexual Misconduct Policy. Nazareth’s policy regarding sexual misconduct and procedures to resolve complaints of sexual misconduct can be found at can be obtained at the following locations: Title IX Office (Shults Community Center suite 100).

Dishonest Behavior

Any act of dishonesty, including lying to or withholding information from a Nazareth official or misrepresenting, omitting, altering, or falsifying information to university officials or on university documents, false identification, or records.


The possession and/or use of narcotics or drugs other than those medically prescribed, properly used, properly secured, and in the original container (hereafter: Drugs) is prohibited. Drugs and Drug paraphernalia will be confiscated when found on Nazareth property. Use and/or being in the presence of illegal drugs and/ or controlled substances may be inferred by the presence of substance odor.

Violations of the Drug Policy include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Consumption, possession, purchase, sale, distribution (including giving away), or use of drugs, including medically prescribed marijuana.
  • Inhaling or ingesting substances (e.g., nitrous oxide, glue, paint, etc.) that will alter a person's mental state.
  • Disruptive conduct due in part or in whole to being under the influence of drugs.
  • Providing a space for the consumption of drugs.
  • Possession or use of any and all types of drug paraphernalia including, but not limited to: scales, baggies, stems, bongs, pens, pipes, water pipes, grinders, or any items modified or adapted, that can be used to consume/distribute/handle/prepare/use drugs are not permitted on Nazareth property. This list is not exhaustive.
Endangering Behavior

Any action or causing of a situation that threatens or endangers the mental or physical health and/or safety of a student, Nazareth community. Endangering behavior may include the use of or threatened use of physical, verbal, or electronic abuse, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person

Failure to comply

Failure to comply with any reasonable request or the direction of Nazareth officials, including the student conduct process, or failure to comply with any disciplinary conditions imposed by an authorized Nazareth official or group, is prohibited.

Fire Safety

Misuse of or tampering with fire safety control or alarm equipment, such as but not limited to fire extinguishers, alarm pull stations, smoke detectors, heat sensors, or sprinklers is prohibited, Making a false fire report, warning, or threat of fire by any means of communication is prohibited..or the initiation of a report, alarm, or warning of an impending bombing, fire, or other crime, emergency, or catastrophe, knowing that such report, alarm, or warning is false. Failing to vacate a building whenever a fire alarm sounds as soon as possible, blocking a path of egress, setting a fire on Nazareth property without proper authorization, and the use and/or possession of candles, halogen lamps, fireworks, smoke bombs, dangerous chemicals, explosive or flammable fuels, bottle rockets, or explosives is prohibited on Nazareth property.


Harassment includes verbal, physical, or written abuse directed toward an individual or group on Nazareth premises, or any person affiliated with Nazareth, at any location (including messages or materials transmitted electronically), or at events sponsored and supervised by Nazareth, or in which a Nazareth-sponsored organization is participating, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability, carrier status, genetic predisposition, or any other protected status. This includes using remarks, language, illustrations, or electronic messages that deprecate or offend a person based on his or her ethnic background, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected status as noted above.


Nazareth University recognizes the Federal definition of Hazing as outlined in the Stop Campus Hazing Act that went into effect on January 1, 2025. 

Hazing is defined as “any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a person (whether individually or in concert with other persons) against another person of persons regardless of the willingness of such other person or persons to participate, that

  • is committed in the course of an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in, a student organization; and
  • causes or creates a risk, above the reasonable risk encountered in the course of participation in the institution of higher education or the organization (such as the physical preparation necessary for participation in an athletic team), of physical or psychological injury, including -
    • whipping, beating, striking, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on someone’s body, or similar activity;
    • causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, extreme calisthenics, or other similar activity;
    •  causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing another person to consume food, liquid, alcohol, drugs, or other substances; causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing another person to perform sexual acts;
    •  any activity that places another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words or conduct;
    • any activity against another person that includes a criminal violation of local, State, Tribal, or Federal law; and
    •  any activity that induces, causes, or requires another person to perform a duty or task that involves a criminal violation of local, State, Tribal, or Federal law.”

Students may be found responsible for hazing regardless of their personal engagement in the harmful behaviors if they are in the presence of hazing or were otherwise aware of hazing and failed to report it to the University.

Interference with the Student Conduct Process

Engaging in abusive, disrespectful, or harassing behavior during any part of the conduct process by Nazareth officials.


Conduct prohibited by any federal, state, or local laws, ordinances, and/or regulations.

Political Activities Policy

Violation of the Political Activities Policy, more details can be found here:

Posting Policy




Shults Center

Basement Level

Right of Bookstore

B Stairwell

Left of room 017

Right of 012 Storage (hallway)

Shults Center

Ground Level –

Shults back entrance near Cloister Walk

B Stairwell

Cabaret (2 boards)

Left of room 111

Smyth Hall

Ground Level

Left of room 81

Right of room 46

Right of room 20

Smyth Hall

2nd Level

Left of room 242

Smyth Hall


Left of room 324

Right of Room 301

Left of room 306

All bulletin strips

Peckham Hall

1st level

Left of room 110

Golisano Academic Center

Ground Floor

Left of Men’s Room near Sorrelle’s (2 boards)

Golisano Academic Center

1st level

Posting Strip right of room 159

Golisano Academic Center

2nd Level

Across from room 202

Golisano Academic Center

3rd Level

Left of room 332


Ground level

Outside Main entrance


Ground level

Area between Shults and Smyth

Arts Center

Ground level –

Across Drinking fountain/Coke machine

Arts Center

1st Level

Across from Restroom/Coke machine


Ground Level

Left of room 134


1st level

Top of Stairs

Property Damage

Attempted or actual damage to or destruction of Nazareth property or property on Nazareth premises that belongs to others.

Residence Hall Rules

Violation of residence hall rules, by residents or visitors, as set forth by the Office of Residential Life, the residence hall contracts, and Guidelines for Residential Living.


Retaliation against a person(s) for filing a complaint, cooperating with investigators and/or Nazareth officials, for supporting a party to the complaint, or against witnesses for providing testimony (during an investigation, hearing, etc.).


Smoking, tobacco or vape products are prohibited on all Nazareth grounds; Nazareth-owned or leased properties; and Nazareth-owned, leased or rented vehicles, regardless of their location. This includes but is not limited to all Nazareth sidewalks, parking lots, paths, landscaped areas, fields, stadiums, and recreational areas. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed areas, including but not limited to offices, classrooms, hallways, waiting rooms, restrooms, meeting rooms, community areas, performance venues, private residential space within Nazareth housing, (including dormitories and student group housing located on Nazareth property), and during lectures, conferences, meetings, and social and cultural events held at Nazareth.


  • For the purposes of this policy, “tobacco or vape” is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks, etc.), e-cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, vaping and vapor devices, hookah products, and any other smoking product; and any smokeless, spit or spitless, dissolvable, or inhaled tobacco products, including but not limited to dip, chew, snuff or snus, in any form (e.g., orbs, sticks, strips, pellet, etc.).
  • “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette or pipe, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or vape product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or any form.
Social Networking

Social networking facilitates communication between and among students. It is critical, however, that students are fully aware of the potential negative consequences arising out of irresponsible and inappropriate conduct on social networking applications. 

Students will be held responsible for any actions that compromise the integrity of Nazareth and/or academic program, including their sport or other Nazareth organizations or programs with which they may be affiliated. They are also accountable for any behaviors that violate Nazareth’s Student Conduct Code and federal, state, and local law. For example, photos or statements placed on these social networks that depict any type of harassment, vandalism, underage drinking or consumption of alcohol in violation of Nazareth’s alcohol policy, hazing, and/or selling, possessing, or using controlled substances can be used by law enforcement as part of a criminal proceeding and/or Nazareth administrators in connection with conduct code proceedings and athletic department decisions regarding athletic eligibility. Student-athletes should review the athletic department’s policy regarding social networking.



Stalking occurs when a person engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts directed at a specific individual that is likely to cause such individual to have a reasonable fear of harm to his or her physical or emotional health, safety, or property or suffer substantial emotional distress. Course of conduct means two or more acts, including but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly or through third parties, by any action, method, device or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to, repeatedly engaging in contact or communication (including, but not limited to, face-to-face communication, telephone calls or messages, email, written letters, unwanted gifts, or threatening or obscene gestures), surveillance, following, trespassing, or vandalism. Stalking includes the concept of cyber-stalking, a particular form of stalking in which electronic media such as the Internet, social networks, blogs, cell phones, texts, or other similar devices or forms of contact are used to pursue, harass, or to make unwelcome contact with another person in an unsolicited fashion.


Attempted or actual theft of, or unauthorized possession of university, personal, or public property, including taking, attempting to take or assist in the taking of money, property, services, identity, or any item of value for which they do not have rightful possession, using property or services without proper authorization or permission and knowing, possessing, retaining, or disposing of any stolen property.

Unauthorized Access or Entry

Unauthorized access or entry to, into, or onto any property owned or operated by Nazareth or any private or restricted property is prohibited. Nazareth prohibits access to windows, roofs, balconies, railings, ledges, and fire escapes of all Nazareth-owned or -operated buildings and unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of a university key, ID, or access card.

Weapons Possession

Possession of, or implied possession of, a weapon anywhere on Nazareth property. Examples of weapons include, but are not limited to, any type of firearm, martial arts tools, 3-D printed weapons, paintball and airsoft guns, explosives, chemicals used in a dangerous way, knives, and ammunition.