Flexible program, full- or part-time
Only one night/week and online classes
Complete in as fast as 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time
Teach at our on-campus reading clinic
Already have a master's degree and New York state teaching certification and want to add certification in literacy? See Post-Master's Literacy Specialist Certification-Only Program
Grants, scholarships, veterans benefits, partner benefits, loans, and undergraduate loan forgiveness are options for paying for this grad degree. Are you committed to teaching in high-needs schools? See if you are eligible for the Teacher Opportunity Corps II (TOC II) Scholarship.
“I went out into the education field holding tight to the words of Lisa Delpit, which exemplify my program’s faculty: ‘They held visions of us that we could not imagine for ourselves. They were determined…we would achieve.’ ”
Jamie (Sinicropi) Oberdorf ’14G, third grade teacher, Elizabeth Cady Stanton School, Seneca Falls, N.Y.