(6 credits)

This program can be embedded in an existing Naz graduate program or completed separately, such as by early-career or other practicing professionals — anyone who serves, or will serve, children birth - age 8 and their families.

You'll develop specialty knowledge and skills in early intervention to be a strong advocate for young children and their families.

  • This advanced certificate interprofessionally prepares you to advocate for change, to work with families in culturally responsive and trauma-informed ways, and to promote the overall development and well-being of young children (0-8 years), and children with different abilities.
  • You'll take stackable one-credit, self-paced courses that were developed by field experts, and benefit from a final capstone experience mentored by a community partner.

Ideal for

Career Information

  • Early intervention improves the long-term health, educational and social outcomes for children with disabilities. However, a local and regional provider shortage denies children with disabilities necessary services to support development.
  • The advanced certification helps develop and diversify the workforce of providers serving young children and families and helps address the shortage of providers of developmental services.
  • This program prepares early intervention specialists with specialized knowledge and skills in interprofessional, culturally and linguistically responsive services for children 0-5 years that are evidence-based, family-centered, and provided in naturalistic environments.
  • Employers in disciplines such as education, speech-language pathology, nursing, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and the medical professions are seeking candidates who have this specialized knowledge.

 What to Expect 

  • Stackable courses offered in a hybrid and self-paced format center interprofessional learning and collaboration.
  • If you're in a graduate program, this certificate track is designed so you can complete it without extending your program. You'll work with your grad program advisor to plan it out.
  • Coursework and fieldwork prepare you for New York State Association of Infant Mental Health endorsement.
  • You'll have access to an on- and off-campus professional learning community focused on special topics in early childhood.

Curriculum (6 credits)

  • Special Topics in Early Childhood (Choose three of these 1-credit courses offered across fall, spring, and summer semesters)
    • Playful Learning: Integrating STEAM and Media
    • Equity-Focused Consulting and Coaching in Childcare Settings
    • Trauma-Informed Practices in Early Childhood
    • Family Partnerships in Early Intervention
    • Intervention Models in Developmental Services
    • Exploring Early Literacy: Foundations and Equity
    • Antibias Actions and Practices in Early Childhood
    • Grant Writing for Children and Families: Finding your voice and purpose
    • Serving Multilingual Children and Families
  • Infant Mental Health Seminar (1-credit, hybrid, summer session)
  • Planning for Change Seminar (1-credit capstone, hybrid, spring semester)
  • Reflective Practice Seminar (1-credit, hybrid)

Registration and Information

  • Current Naz students: Talk to your academic program director to determine whether you are eligible to enroll in this program.
  • Non-matriculated students: Complete the Certificate Application.
  • Registration occurs on a rolling basis for fall, spring, and summer terms. 
  • If you have questions, contact the directors listed below.

Tuition and Fees

See Nazareth’s Graduate School of Education tuition per credit hour.

Project Directors

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