Why Choose Nazareth for Social Science?

Nazareth University's interdisciplinary social science degree program integrates five academic disciplines: anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology.

While each program is different, all seek to foster an understanding and appreciation of the diversity among and within societies and cultures. Many students combine the social science major with the inclusive early childhood/childhood education major and become teachers. Others go on to attend graduate school or pursue a variety of careers related to working with people.

Program Highlights

  • Senior seminar integrates interdisciplinary experiences.
  • Small classes and individual attention from faculty.
  • Prepares students for careers or graduate study in fields such as counseling, human resources, library science, elementary education, communications, human services, and international relations.

Program Details

Anna Lindsell, alum of social science degree program, social science major

Alumni Spotlight

Anna Lindsell '04, '14G

Became an English language specialist teaching students from other countries

"Social science is a great foundation for any career. I had a lot of anthropology classes with Dr. Kisiara. He has a great presence in the classroom, connects very well with his students, and has a passion for his subject. He always had time to discuss the program and my assignments with me. He allowed me to take my interests and life experience and connect it to what was going on in the classroom. Social science has helped me to understand the workings of human society and make connections across disciplines and cultures. By having this awareness, I am better able to relate to my students on a deeper and more compassionate level."

Example Careers/Outcomes

  • Community organizations
  • Counseling
  • Human services
  • Market research

Internships/Field Experiences

  • Internships are available through the individual social science departments including anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology.

Graduate Schools/Employers

  • Veterans Administration
  • Walden University
  • Rochester City School District