Special Accommodation Transports

Nazareth’s accessible campus shuttle has been repurposed to provide appointment-based transportation service for students, faculty, and staff requiring special accommodation transports due to health, medical, or mobility complications. Due to the pandemic, all vehicles must be disinfected prior to use and between different users.

Requests for accommodations first need to be approved through the existing routes:

To request accommodation approval

Campus Safety will continue to provide safety escorts and special requests, including after hours and off campus transports (the latter under limited and exigent circumstances), and will remain responsible for (special accommodation) transports, staffing and operations.

Repurposed shuttle

This service replaces the campus shuttle service, which had low ridership. Public health guidelines due to  COVID-19 restrict vehicle/transportation density and require health and safety precautions and sanitation & disinfecting. This repurpose plan also supports the findings/recommendations of the fall 2019 parking study, and promotes sustainability, enhanced student service, affordability, and efficiency.