Here are some key things to know when registering to vote...
If you are registered outside of Monroe County, you will need to request an absentee ballot by the deadline within the county you are registered in. Complete the form, print it out, and bring it to Central Mail Services. You will receive an absentee ballot in the mail to complete, seal, and mail back to your local board of elections. (Central Mail, ODIEE, or GAC 104 will mail it for you!)
Check your polling location on Please contact us prior to election day if you are in need of transportation to your polling site.
Early voting is available for all voters here in Monroe County. Each year, voting patterns are evaluated and adjustments made in locations and hours. Details: Monroe County Board of Elections
Rochester Metro League of Women's Voters is a great resource and community partner of Naz!
Are you interested in running for office? Learn how to run in New York state.