
The Hickey Center and the IIIT Chair are pleased to offer in-person and online seminars for the Nazareth community and the interfaith community at large.

Fall 2023

October 18, 2023: Our People, Our City and Our Violence

Our People, Our City, Our Violence flyer.pdf

October 19, 2023: Stranger at the Gate: Love Conquers Hate

Stranger at the Gate Film Screening.pdf

Past events

Summer 2023

Listening, Learning and Healing: Women in Muslim Religion and Culture

Taliban's ban on women's education in Afghanistan and the veiling issue in Iran have raised doubts and confusion in the West and America about the rights of women in Islam and Muslim culture.

This Online non-credit certificate course aims to discuss the issue of women rights in both religious and cultural perspectives. Nazareth University, IIIT Chair and Hickey Center mission and vision is to educate public on critical issues for peaceful coexistence.

When: August 7-10,2023 (Monday-Thursday, both days are included)

Time: 7-8:30PM Via Zoom, Registration Fee: $49.00 ( Please write Checks to Nazareth University, IIIT Chair and Hickey Center and mail it to Muhammad Shafiq, Nazareth University, 4245 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14618)

Speakers and Topics for discussion:

August 7, - Women in the Qur'an, ( Dr. Muhammad Shafiq, Nazareth U. )

Aug.8, - Women and Veiling in Muslim Culture and religion (Dr. Etin Anwar, HWS College)

Aug. 9, - Women in Muslim History (Dr. Shalahudin Kafrawi, HWS College)

Aug. 10, - Western and Muslim Feminism (Dr. Etin Anwar, HWS College)

Recommended reading:

1. Making Gender in the Intersection of the Human and the Divine , Edited by Thomas Donlin-Smith and Muhammad Shafiq

2. A Genealogy of Islamic Feminism: Pattern and Change in Indonesia,  by Etin Anwar

Registration for the course ends on July 15, please register via email: and send us your registration.

Summer 2022

Train the Trainers: Understanding Islam's Relations with other Religions

Online non-credit certificate course for teachers, religious leaders, businesses, nurses, and other professionals including public interested in understanding Islam's relations with other religions for peaceful co-existence and professional services.

When:  August 15-19,2022 (Monday-Friday, both days are included)

Time:  7-8:30PM Via Zoom, Registration Fee: $39

Speakers: Dr. Etin Anwar, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva

Dr. Shalahudin Kafrawi, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva

Dr. Muhammad Shafiq, Nazareth College


Islam is a misunderstood religion in America. Many do not know that the Qur'an recognized other religions, called them people of the holy scriptures especially the Jewish Bible and the Christian New Testament are mentioned as sources of light and guidance. 


Monday, August 15, The Qur'an's Pluralistic Theology

Tuesday, Aug.16, Prophets, Prophecy and Holy Scriptures in Islam

Wednesday, Aug. 17, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses in Islam

Thursday, Aug. 18, Mary, Jesus and the Messiah in Islam

Friday, Aug.19, Freedom of Speech, Hateful Rhetoric and Morally Responsible Speech in Islam

Fall 2020

Healing Racial Inequalities and Injustices

Seminars about challenging American consciousness to stand up for justice in peaceful ways.

Voices of Local African American Leaders

    September 2nd, 2020 seminar on Healing Racial Injustices and Inequalities

    Voices of Local Interfaith Leaders

      September 16th, 2020 seminar on Healing Racial Injustices and Inequalities

      Racism, Global Politics and Islamophobia

        Dr Nazia Kazi gives seminar on 10/28/20