Nazareth College is again on the list as one of the country's best institutions for undergraduate education, according to The Princeton Review. The education services company features Nazareth in the new 2017 edition of its annual college guide, The Best 381 Colleges (Random House / Princeton Review, August 30, 2016). Only about 15% of America's 2,500 four-year colleges and three colleges outside the U.S. are profiled in the book, which is The Princeton Review's flagship college guide. Nazareth College is also on the Best Northeastern Schools list and the college ranked 20th for Best Science Lab Facilities. These are some of the Princeton Review's 62 breakout surveys based on what students surveyed at Nazareth reported about their opinions of and experiences at Nazareth. The Princeton Review also posts the book's ranking lists on its website Princeton Review.
The College earns high marks across the spectrum that Princeton Review uses to evaluate colleges. On a scale of 100, the Quality of Life rating is at 90, and fire safety rating at 93, and green rating at 70. Nazareth's overall academics rate 81, with an 86 rating for interesting professors and an 80 for accessibility of the professors.
In its profile on Nazareth College, Princeton Review quotes extensively from Nazareth students surveyed for the book. Among their candid comments on the College: "The small class sizes—cited by many students as one of the best things about Nazareth, allow for "very close relationships with our professors," and "most professors try to make class as interactive as possible." Another comment about life on campus states, " Nazareth's location makes it the rare school that keeps both residential and commuter students happy, with positive town-gown relations."
The Princeton Review does not rank the colleges in the book academically or from 1 to 381 in any category. Instead, it reports in the book 62 ranking lists of "top 20" colleges in various categories. The lists are entirely based on The Princeton Review's survey of 126,000 students (about 333 per campus on average) attending the colleges in the book and not on The Princeton Review's opinion of the schools. The 80-question survey asks students to rate their own schools on several topics and report on their campus experiences. Topics range from assessments of their professors to opinions about their financial aid and campus food. Other ranking lists are based on student reports about their student body's political leanings, race/class relations, and LGBT community acceptance. The Princeton Review explains the basis for each ranking list in the book and at
Julie Long | Nazareth Chief Public Relations Officer | (585) 389-2456 |
Nazareth University is an inclusive community of inspired learners, educators, and changemakers who for 100 years have been driven by a bold commitment to action, empathy, equity, and leading innovation for the common good. Impact experiences are at the heart of a Nazareth education, preparing each student to discover within themselves the potential to cultivate positive change in their life's work, in any career field, and in a world that is constantly evolving and infinitely interconnected.
Our broad academic offerings present a range of study options typical of larger universities, yet achieved in our supportive campus culture. Nearly 2,100 undergrad and 600 graduate students enroll in degree and certificate programs and engage in collaborative, transformative learning experiences, preparing for the professions and society of today and tomorrow. In a learning community that purposefully integrates liberal arts and professional programs, Nazareth University graduates are able to launch a lifetime of impactful leadership in communities and workplaces near and far.