Full-time faculty at Nazareth University are invited to apply for a 2025 Scholarship and Innovation Faculty Fellowship (SAIFF) through the Office of Research, Scholarship, and Innovation. Fellowships will be awarded for work to take place during Summer 2025.
The SAIFF serves to support new research, creative activity, and other scholarly projects consistent with institutional, departmental, and individual goals. SAIFF funds are intended to provide a one-time infusion of funding (i.e. seed money) for projects that are directly connected to the applicant’s scholarship agenda and goals. Projects that will significantly advance or establish an agenda for creative or scholarly activity, have the potential to result in peer-reviewed publications, presentations, or external funding, and/or have a significant impact on the discipline, field, or community will be given priority.
Applicants should establish a clear connection between the proposed project and their future scholarly endeavors. Furthermore, applicants should situate the proposed work within one of the four categories of Boyer’s Model of Scholarship.
The SAIFF awards successful applicants up to $2,500 for work to take place during Summer 2025. Applicants may choose from two options of payment should they be awarded a fellowship:
Faculty who choose the reimbursement option for travel/supplies will receive only the amount of reimbursement and only up to $2,500. For example, if a designated research trip costs $1,895, faculty will receive $1,895 in reimbursements as their total award. If travel/supplies amount to more than $2,500, the fellowship will reimburse only up to the $2,500 award amount.
Faculty choosing the reimbursement payment option must submit a detailed budget and justification along with their application.
Full-time faculty from all schools and departments are eligible to apply. Applicants must be returning on contract in Fall 2025.
Each faculty member may only apply for and receive one summer grant in 2025 (either SAIFF or SOARS).
Collaborative projects will be accepted. In the case of collaborative projects:
All projects must take place in the summer session with all proposed activities completed prior to the start of the Fall 2025 semester. A written report of the project's outcomes is due to the Office of Research, Scholarship, and Innovation by October 15, 2025.
SAIFF funds may not be used to support work carried out while a faculty member is on sabbatical or on contract for other full-time work, and should not be requested for the summer following or preceding a leave.
Need for the project — the project is important and original; the need for the project is justified relative to the scholarly literature.
Project goals — the project has clear and specific goals and outcomes.
Impact of project — the project has the potential for impact in the applicant’s discipline, field, and/or in the community.
Feasibility of project — the plan is likely to lead to desired outcomes/achievement of project goals (e.g., activities/timeline/budget are reasonable and clearly justified; any needed collaborations are established).
Future of project — the proposed project has the potential to significantly advance or establish the applicant’s scholarly or creative agenda, result in peer-reviewed publications or presentations, and/or attract future external funding.
Overall quality — the proposal is clear, complete, and convincing.
Create a copy of the SAIFF application form. Fill out the form and submit by Friday, March 7, 2025.
Friday, March 7, 2025 – share proposal with Chair/Associate Dean, Dean, and Megan Tobin
Friday, March 14 2025 – Chair/Associate Dean approve and pass on to Dean
Friday, March 21, 2025 – Dean approve
Review committee meets in early April; awards announced by the end of April