Clinical Assistantships

Clinical Assistantships are part-time jobs for SOE graduate students with a base teaching certification. This type of assistantship provides financial support and requires the graduate student to engage in an action research project that supports PreK-12 students. These jobs occur in varied public schools and are supported and mentored by the Director of Clinical Assistants.

Save a third of the total tuition cost and gain valuable experience!

Who's eligible: Full-time graduate students and practicing teachers seeking a master's degree are eligible for clinical assistantships.

A limited number of clinical assistantships are available on a competitive basis for the following graduate programs:

  • Work with professionals in your field in a clinical setting.
  • Contribute as a member of a teaching and learning community.
  • Gain experience in navigating and collaborating within school systems and communities.
  • Spend about two days a week working in a local public or private school, beginning in the fall. There, you'll support school-based initiatives, children and young adults, and their learning. You can integrate your own inquiry interests.
  • In some programs, you will also have the opportunity to take hybrid courses (partially online) to allow maximum time in schools.
How to apply
  1. Complete the standard graduate admissions process for your program, or the Fast App (by invitation).
  2. Complete the clinical assistantship application and return it to the person indicated on the form
  3. Provide a letter of recommendation from a professional who has observed your teaching.
  4. Be prepared for an interview with program faculty, if needed.
When to apply

Apply by April 1. Applications received after that date will be reviewed if openings remain.

Criteria for selection
  • Excellence or exceptional progress during student teaching
  • Caring and professional disposition
  • Undergraduate academic performance
  • Status of certification
Other requirements
  • Enroll in 9-12 graduate credit hours during both the fall and spring semesters.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 with grades of B or above in all courses.
  • Work for the required number of days per week (program dependent) in an assigned school.
  • Perform successfully in school settings as outlined in the Nazareth School of Education "Professional Behaviors Assessment." (Contact your program director if you have questions.)
  • Financial Benefits: The work of a Clinical Assistant in school districts is supported through graduate assistantships. While attending graduate school full time, Clinical Assistants earn 12 credits toward their full tuition. This is often one third of the graduate program! Six credits are distributed in fall and six in spring semesters.
  • Professional Benefits: Through completing this life-changing work, Clinical Assistants are prepared to handle a multitude of challenges and opportunities in their first few years in the profession. Most Clinical Assistants have been offered positions (often multiple options) in areas of their choice. Clinical Assistants are part of a culture of learning that goes beyond the classroom and incorporates schooling. This allows for education opportunities that are invaluable for collaboration and professional development.
Jeffery Garrett

"While in grad school, my clinical assistantship research — under Dr. Kerry Dunn — examined the impact of physical and organizational interventions on the executive functioning skills of sixth-grade students. This experience benefitted me immensely, as I was able to be both a teacher and a researcher at the same time. As well, I gained valuable knowledge about how to address executive functioning skills; this is something that I now use in my current role as a special education teacher." — Jeffery Garrett '18, '19G