Teacher Residency Programs

A residency program is a 15-month full-time clinical experience (teacher residency), with a stipend, designed to prepare teachers for a career in  education.

Currently, Nazareth is offering a residency program in these graduate programs:

As a residency teacher, you are both a full-time graduate student and an employee of the school district hosting you.

You will follow your mentor teacher's contractual schedule and co-teach four days per week. You also will be paid by the host district to serve one day per week as a building substitute.

The residency program officially begins during Nazareth's summer session, which starts the Monday after commencement. You are required to maintain continuous enrollment throughout the school year and conclude the following July.

Per New York State certification guidelines, you must complete a minimum of 1,000 clinical experience hours in your assigned classroom with:

  • at least 750 hours in a grade 1-6 general education classroom and
  • at least 250 hours in a grade 1-6 special education classroom
  • TESOL candidates only work across K-12 classrooms to complete all 1,000 hours

Financial Support

  • Receive $15,000 in tuition assistance
  • Receive a non-exempt salary from your host district, based on one day a week of substitute teaching
  • Receive a $15,000 stipend from the host program
  • You may also be eligible for Nazareth's Educational Partner Network discount and Teacher Opportunity Corps II benefits.


Teacher residents must:

  • Have a bachelor’s degree with fulfilled subject-matter prerequisites aligned with your desired certification area
  • Be accepted into the master’s degree program aligned with your desired certification area
  • Have a strong commitment to support children and families who are served by the host district

Our university-district partnership seeks:

  • Teachers who see students’ diverse lives and experiences as central to their learning 
  • Teachers who relentlessly pursue educational and social justice for racially and ethnically minoritized and socioeconomically disadvantaged learners
  • Teachers who use creative thinking and collaboration to build humane learning communities and help all students access the subject matter in powerful ways

Application Deadline:

We admit residents twice a year.

- Round 1 applications due the last Friday in December
- Round 2 applications are due the last Friday in March

Please note, you must be accepted into an initial certification program prior to applying to a residency program.

Get Started Today

This is a highly competitive program, with only 20 openings for the academic year.



What is the ROC Urban Teaching Fellows Program?

This paid teacher residency program is designed to prepare teachers for work in the Rochester (New York) City School District.

  • You will earn your master's in teaching with initial certification while also co-teaching with a mentor throughout a one-year paid teacher residency.
  • Following graduation, you will be employed by the Rochester City School District for two years.
What is the Monroe Regional Teacher Residency Consortium?

This paid teacher residency program is designed to prepare teachers to work in a variety of Monroe County school districts.

  • You will earn your master's in teaching with initial certification while also co-teaching with a mentor throughout a one-year paid teacher residency.
  • Participating districts:
    • Brighton
    • East Irondequoit
    • East Rochester
    • Fairport
    • Gates Chili
    • Greece
    • Holley
    • Hilton
    • Pittsford
    • Rush-Henrietta
    • Spencerport
    • West Irondequoit
What is the program timeline?

During the summer semesters, you'll take Nazareth School of Education graduate coursework.

During the school year — fall, winter, and spring — you are at your school placement and continuing to complete graduate coursework. 

Throughout, coursework will be a mix of in-person (evenings), hybrid, and online.

What is my teaching schedule during the school year?
  • four days per week co-teaching with a mentor teacher
  • one day working as a building substitute

You will follow your host district's school-year calendar.

How am I matched with a mentor teacher and how does mentorship work?

You are matched with a mentor teacher in your certification area.

Mentors and residents use a variety of co-teaching models throughout the school year. You'll learn models of good practice, receive guidance in context, and benefit from collaborative support and feedback.

Your co-teacher(s) is highly trained and well supported by your school district.

Will I rotate or stay in one classroom/school?

You will be partnered with two mentor teachers. Ideally you will be placed in a classroom where an integrated co-teaching model is being used between a general education teacher and a special education teacher, however, you will follow the teaching schedule of your host teacher(s).

What is the teaching commitment at the end of my residency year?

Residents in the Rochester City School District, on successful completion of the residency program, you commit to teaching for a minimum of two years in the Rochester City School District.

All other residents will have strong consideration for employment in your partner school district upon graduating.

If I'm not admitted to the residency program, will I be guaranteed a spot in the standard master’s program?

Yes, you have already been admitted to the regular teaching master's program that you applied to initially. The residency program does not replace the standard master's teaching program, but rather is an additional option for individuals who are committed to an intense clinically rich experience.

I already sub in a district, can I do my residency in the same district?

That depends on whether the district is hosting residents as part of an official residency program. Residency programs are funded through the NYS Department of Labor and only the districts listed below are participating.

  • Brighton
  • East Irondequoit
  • East Rochester
  • Fairport
  • Gates Chili
  • Greece
  • Holley
  • Hilton
  • Pittsford
  • Rochester
  • Rush-Henrietta
  • Spencerport
  • West Irondequoit

These programs are funded by the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDL) Teacher Residency Program and operates as a partnership of Nazareth University, University of Rochester Warner School of Education, ROC UTF, and select districts within Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, and Monroe One BOCES.

Grad Admissions Qs?

For information about admissions requirements, academic programs, or financial aid, contact graduate admissions at gradadmissions@naz.edu or 585-389-2860.