Academic and College Success

Your first semester of college is a unique opportunity for personal growth and discovery. In ACS 101, you will develop a vision of success at Nazareth and beyond by exploring identity, approaches to learning, and what motivates you.

ACS 101 is all about helping you maximize your Nazareth experience. Discover the value in community involvement and diverse global perspectives. Develop your capacity for growth. Acquire skills to successfully navigate this important transition time.

Note: Transfer students take Academic and College Success for Transfer Students - ACS 090 (0 credits) in the first semester to help with the transition to Nazareth.

ACS 101 Topics


What is it that makes me, me?

Growth mindset

Are my intelligence, creativity, and other personal attributes fixed biological traits or can they improve as I learn and grow?


How do I approach the learning process and how does learning impact who I am?

Goal setting

What do I want to accomplish and how do I get there?


How do I find what really excites me and turn that into a career?

Stress management

What are some specific tools and tips I can use so that stress doesn't get in the way of accomplishing my goals?

Amelia Paas '20 is an ACS mentor fall 2017

Amelia Paas

"When I say ACS was the foundation of my freshman year, I really mean it. It is a direct reflection of everything Nazareth stands for. Not only did I gain information about all of the incredible resources on campus, and the tools to have an amazing and successful first year, I also met some of my best friends. At class every Tuesday evening, I knew I was walking into a safe space full of students who shared the same first-year struggles as I did. We were there to help one another, build each other up, and share in each other's interests as well! I strongly believe that ACS played an integral role in my transition from high school to college, and I could not imagine my first year without it!"