Grading Documentation for Faculty
Student Forms
Course Actions
Course Action Request Form (GR & UG) (Log in using your My Naz username and password.)
Course Action Request Online Database (Review status and details of all courses submitted through the online course request form. Accessible by chairs and deans through login.)
Each semester (fall and spring) we ask that faculty complete the roster verification process early in the term so we can verify that students are attending the classes they registered for. This process is especially important in identifying students who may not have shown up on campus but never dropped classes.
The Registration and Records Office will send out an email at the start of the process each semester. For detailed instructions on how to complete this process please follow the instructions in this PDF.
If you have a data need, please complete the Data Request Form. The request will be reviewed by data stewards in Institutional Research, Registration & Records, Admissions and the IT Office and processed by the office most suitable for the request.
Course Schedule and Staffing Resources
Catalog Templates for Department Chairs
Resources for Advisors
As the Policies and Procedures committee approves updates to policies through the academic year they will be posted here. When the next Academic Year Catalog is published in the summer, the new/edited policies will be integrated into the larger policy list.
For any questions regarding academic policies and procedures, please contact Rachel Scott