Academic Success Coaching

What we offer

We help you accomplish your academic goals through one-on-one organizational and motivational meetings.

Taking a holistic approach to student development, our Academic Success Coaches use a meta-cognitive approach to helping you embrace your individual learning strengths and styles: We help you learn how you learn.

You may also want to check out our Advanced Academic Strategies course.

Academic Success Coaches

Trained graduate students provide individualized support to students in regularly scheduled, confidential, one-on-one meetings to enhance the following:

  • concerns about transitioning to college
  • self-management
  • test preparation
  • study skills
  • managing assignments
  • strategies to communicate with a professor
  • connecting with appropriate resources on campus
  • any additional challenges a student may face

Academic Success Coaches will NOT:

  • take care of your responsibilities for you
  • talk to professors on your behalf
  • serve as an area specific tutor
  • track you down if you stop showing up to meetings
  • remind you about your personal obligations

Get the most out of your coaching

  • Show up on time for all regularly scheduled meetings
  • Be prepared for meetings, come with questions and all necessary materials
  • Be honest about your progress and the areas that are challenging for you
  • Do your best to put into practice the skills your academic success coach will equip you with

Request an appointment

Request academic success coaching »

Once you submit a request, you will be scheduled to meet with an academic success coach. Please reach out if you need any assistance.