Common Interview Questions

Have answers in mind to these 16 Qs
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What are your career plans and goals (short and long term) and how do you plan to achieve them?
  • In what college activities have you participated? Which did you enjoy the most and why?
  • What extracurricular offices and positions have you held?
  • How do you like to spend your free time?
  • Describe a typical day.
  • What magazines, newspapers or journals do you read?
  • What's the last book you read?
  • What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
  • What jobs have you held? How were they obtained and why did you leave?
  • What jobs have you enjoyed the most? The least? Why?
  • What is your major strength? Weakness?
  • What have you done that shows your initiative and willingness to work?
  • What motivates you in a job?
  • What three words describe you best?
  • What type of person irritates you most?
  • Do you prefer working with others or by yourself?
  • What kind of boss do you prefer? What kind of people do you prefer to work with?
  • What geographic preferences do you have? Are you willing to relocate?
  • How do you feel about traveling on a job?
  • Do you have plans for advanced study?
  • Why did you seek a position with our company/agency?
  • What do you know about our company/agency?
  • Why should we select you for this job?
  • What can you offer us that other candidates can't?
  • What questions do you have about the job or our company/agency?

Questions by Degree/Profession

Music Education
  • What methods do you often employ to effectively teach music techniques to students?
  • Pretend you're a new director. How would you go about recruiting new members to your band/choir?
  • Demonstrate piano and/or percussion (even if these are not your major instruments).
  • What effective classroom management techniques have you used?
  • Talk about some of the problems you've noticed in beginning (instrument) players.
  • What computer programs have you used to make programs for musical events?
  • Suppose you have a percussionist in your band who is off the wall whenever you do warm-ups with other instruments. How would you handle this?
  • What are some authentic ways to assess your students?
  • What music would you use at your first concert as an elementary teacher?
  • You just found out that one of your students has a problem with another teacher in the school. How would you handle that?
  • When I go to a concert, I always look at flutes first. Why? What do I see to know that the director is not a flute player?
Speech Language Pathology
  • Please provide a "verbal resume" highlighting your education and experience and how that prepares you for a Speech Language Pathologist position in Spencerport? Why are you interested in Spencerport?
  • What are your experiences with providing speech therapy aligned to the NYS learning standards?
  • How do you use assistive technology in your instruction?
  • If a teacher had a concern about a student in his/her classroom and told you about it, how would you handle this? What could your contributions be to the IST or pre-CSE process?
  • If I saw you in a classroom, where you were providing speech services, what would I see you doing?
  • When do you recommend pull out and push in services and why?
  • Tell me about your experiences working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders?
  • Tell me about a time that you went above and beyond the call of duty for a student?
  • How do you support student's individual learning needs?
  • In Spencerport we have a mission statement that details the education and inspiration of all students. How do you inspire students?
  • How do you plan to set up a classroom management plan for your students? How would you monitor the plan?
  • What is your role at CSE meetings and in writing IEP's?
Social Work
  • Tell us a little about yourself.
  • Why are  you applying for this position?
  • Tell us why we should hire you for this position?
  • What type of experience do you have that is relevant to this position?
  • What skills have you learned as a generalist social worker that are relevant to this job?
  • Tell us about your working style.
    • Would you describe yourself as well-organized? Are you innovative?
    • Are you a multi-tasker or do you like to take on one task at a time and see it through to completion?
  • When you are under pressure and have multiple responsibilities on your plate at once, how do you cope? What strategies do you use to get your work done?
  • This job can be very stressful. How do you handle stress? What are your coping strategies? Stress management techniques?
  • What is your favorite book? What was the last book you read? Favorite movie? Why?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • What has been your most positive experience in social work so far? What has been your most negative, or most upsetting, experience? (How did you handle that? What did you learn from that?)
  • How do you handle conflict? (with supervisors? with colleagues? with clients?)
  • How do you see yourself as a member of a team?  Are you a team player? What role do you see yourself playing as a member of this social work team? This interdisciplinary team?
  • How would your present/past colleagues describe you? Supervisors? Professors? Classmates? Clients? (What are your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?)
  • This position requires developing relationships with diverse individuals (e.g. children, teens, the elderly, single mothers, men, those with mental health, substance abuse, or criminal justice challenges, diverse racial/ethnic groups...).
    • What knowledge or skills in cultural competency do you possess that will help you work with diversity?
    • Tell us about your knowledge base or skills with this population.
    • Tell us what your approach will be to developing relationships with this population, given your differences in background/demographics.
    • What strategies will you use to develop strong working relationships with members of this group/across these diverse groups?
Business Specialties
Occupational and Physical Therapy
  • What led you to pursue physical therapy or occupational therapy as a career?
  • What are types of cases or populations you enjoy working with and why? 
  • What are some of the challenges of working with patients with in the geriatric population? What about pediatric population? 
  • Describe a situation where you felt you delivered excellent patient care.
  • What are your clinical strengths?
  • What’s stressful about being a physical therapist or occupational therapist? How do you cope?
  • How do you handle a patient whose goals are different from your own?
  • What has been your most challenging case and why?
  • In what ways have you shown sensitivity to potential cultural differences?
  • Recall a time you worked with a difficult coworker. How would you handle it?
  • Talk about a time when you dealt with a difficult patient.
  • What are your long-term goals as a clinician. 

Questions to ask the hiring manager in the interview.

  • Tell me about the patients you work with.
  • What do you find most rewarding working here?
  • Are there areas where you see new employees (or new PTs or OTs) struggle when joining your team?
  • What are your productivity goals?
  • What responsibilities will I have that do not contribute to my productivity? For example, team meetings, patient transport, or documentation.