Success Resources for Faculty and Staff

Recommend a Tutor

Any student who has earned a B+ or higher in a specific course, holds a cumulative GPA of above a 3.0, has completed the tutor training program and has received a recommendation from the faculty member can tutor for the Student Success Office. 

Instructors, please e-mail us at to recommend a student as a tutor for your course.

Syllabi Messaging

Office of Academic Success and Accessibility

Faculty are welcome to share the following information on their course syllabi regarding the Academic Success and Accessibility Office:

The Academic Success and Accessibility Office at Nazareth University is available to connect students with appropriate information and services that might assist in their success.

Peer tutoring and 1:1 academic success coaching are available to all students upon request. Further information and guidelines can be found on their website:

For additional support, please visit or contact the office in GAC 61 or at / 585-389-2875.

Accessibility Services

Faculty are welcome to share the following information on their course syllabi regarding the Academic Success and Accessibility Office:

Nazareth University is committed to supporting the diverse learning needs of our community. Students are encouraged to meet with instructors at the beginning of the course to express anticipated learning questions and barriers. Please set a meeting with your instructor during office hours at the beginning of the semester.

Students are encouraged to connect with the course instructor as soon as possible should any concerns arise during the semester to allow for timely problem-solving. If you are seeking disability accommodations, or you think you may have a disability, contact Student Accessibility Services to begin the process of seeking official accommodations. Learn more about SAS here: It is the student’s responsibility to share their approved Nazareth University accommodation letter with their instructor to apply their accommodations in each course. 

Students seeking to record a class or interaction with Nazareth personnel for educational purposes as part of an accommodation for a documented learning disability should contact Student Accessibility Services to discuss this accommodation.


Instructors are welcome to share information on Starfish and how it will be used in the classroom. Here is an example:

FlyerSuccess is an early alert system used to inform you of specific concerns and support systems in place to help you succeed in this course. If you receive an email from FlyerSuccess it is an indication that you should come meet with me to discuss the concerns. FlyerSuccess also provides extensive options for other academic support services. 

Emergency Fund

Sometimes things happen that no one can plan for. Limited funds are available to help make such times a little bit easier for students. E-mail us to learn more.