Admissions Standards

Test Scores

  • SAT: optional
  • High School Science Course Grades: 85%
  • High School Cumulative GPA: 3.0

The nursing program is open to incoming first-year students and to transfer students.

For First Year Students

Direct entry: Nazareth University accepts applicants directly into the program as incoming first-year students, meaning you don't have to apply for the nursing program later. Complete the application steps and meet the deadlines outlined on the first-time students Admissions webpage.

Standards: Prospective students must show evidence of strong academic preparation throughout high school. A high school average of 85% or higher in science courses is required. A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 is required. Also, successful completion and demonstrated ability in the following high school courses are required:

  • 4 years English
  • 4 years history
  • 3 years math
  • 3 years lab science

Competitive applicants to the nursing program will have completed 4 years of math and lab science.

Transfer Students

Deadlines and pre-requisite course details are on the Transfer Students page: Select Nursing Applicants.