Student Examples

Personalized, mentored career planning begins in your first semester at Nazareth and continues even beyond graduation.

Your supported steps to success:

  • Goals: Explore, reflect, and define your talents, skills, and initial goals.
  • Learn about the professions that interest you most, on campus and off, from practicing professionals and academic resources.
  • Experience hands-on, personal learning through internships, research, civic engagement, performance, clinical work, and/or field studies to explore what career fields and workplaces are truly like.
  • Integrate skills and knowledge with your core curriculum, study abroad options, and additional work experiences.
  • Market your skills, build networks, and finalize your path to your next steps and life after Nazareth.
Cameron Perez and Emily Pelkowski

A Dozen Coaching Sessions for Cameron Perez

Career Coach Emily Pelkowski (right) guided her to success in getting her dream experience in the Disney college program, plus connected her to one nearby internship that attracted her to marketing work and to another internship to prepare her for a grad program of interest. Read more about Cameron's experience >

History student at Nazareth

Example: History major

Freshman Year

  • Meets with career coach to identify and chart next steps.
  • Completes StrengthsQuest assessment and goal-setting activities in Academic and College Success (ACS) course to help frame interests.
  • Shadows a history teacher (alum) for a day. Interviews curator at George Eastman Museum. Researches demand for teachers and non-profit jobs.
  • Meets with career coach to reflect. Summarizes work and plans for future experiences in a personal plan outlining how to successfully prepare for goals after college.

Sophomore Year

  • Begins to plan study abroad options. Includes opportunity for international professional experience in archival work.
  • Does primary research for faculty member on the underground railroad and the Erie Canal.
  • Meets with career coach to begin organizing experiences into a LinkedIn profile and other networks.

Junior Year

  • Meets with advisor to shape goals of Core Milestone Experience and to link coursework, international study, internships, and future objectives.
  • Participates in service-learning trip and leverages archival knowledge for a trip to Central America.
  • Presents Core Milestone Experience.
  • Meets with career coach to assess and plan next steps.

Senior Year

  • Works with career coach and alumni services to network with local non-profit museum community, attends events, and begins to identify specific first-job goals.
  • Studies abroad in Berlin and works with WWII archivist who is promoting an exhibition.
  • Through Nazareth's Professional Internship Program, finalizes plans for a three-credit internship with the Field Museum in Chicago.
  • Networks with alumni in cities of interest (Chicago; New York City; Washington, D.C.) to identify and interview for positions in spring of senior year. 

After Graduation

Over the years, connects with the Center for Life's Work resources to:

  • Explore grad school options, such as to get a management degree to prepare for a leadership role or to get teaching certification.
  • Get help updating a resume for a great next job.
  • Offer an internship and/or provide mentoring to current Nazareth students
  • Post a job opening through Nazareth's Handshake database for Nazareth students and alumni to see.
physical therapy student works with patient

Example: Physical therapy major

Freshman Year

  • Meets with career coach to explore areas in which health care providers engage with the community. Begins to understand personal strengths as well as areas for improvement (such as cross-cultural competency, communication skills).
  • Identifies a series of activities that aligns with the type of health care provider he/she wants to be in the future. This may include engaging with the community in service programs, learning more about elder care, applying physical therapy to athletes, etc.
  • Completes StrengthsQuest assessment and goal-setting activities in Academic and College Success (ACS) course that help frame interests.

Sophomore Year

  • Inspired by a powerful experience helping local elders, enrolls in a psychology class that provides deeper understanding of the psychological needs of older adults.
  • Volunteers at the York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute.
  • With the help of the PT career coach and Nazareth's Weider Community Engagement Office, submits a project proposal for Clinton Global Initiative University that introduces new ideas on how underserved elderly are impacted by inadequate resources in physical rehabilitation.

Junior Year

  • Meets with advisor to shape goals for Core Milestone Experience that links courses in psychology, sociology, and economics to develop a solution for funding physical therapy care for the elderly.
  • Travels to India for a two-week immersion and works in a physical therapy clinic.

Senior Year

  • Coordinates with career coach and advisor to identify clinical placements that help further the passion for serving the elderly.
  • Completes minor in psychology. In collaboration with the local chapter of the American Psychological Association, submits a grant to help increase funding for elderly PT patient care.
  • Transitions to doctorate-level coursework and is able to continuously apply learning to a larger goal of making a difference.

After Graduation

  • After relocating to a new state, connects with other Nazareth alumni through the Alumni Relations office for social and professional networking.
  • Speaks to current students about elder care issues via online videoconferencing, coordinated by Nazareth's Physical Therapy Club.
  • Keeps in touch with the Center for Life's Work to post job/internship opportunities, to alert Nazareth students and alumni.
Layla Boyer poses in a science lab

"Working with my career coach to figure out the logistics of my internship was very helpful."

— Layla Boyer interned in a hospital, supported by a Naz SPARK Grant

Prepared for more than a job

You need the skills and experience to define and launch a meaningful career  or careers. You will draw on these planning skills repeatedly.