Personalized, mentored career planning begins in your first semester at Nazareth and continues even beyond graduation.
Your supported steps to success:
Career Coach Emily Pelkowski (right) guided her to success in getting her dream experience in the Disney college program, plus connected her to one nearby internship that attracted her to marketing work and to another internship to prepare her for a grad program of interest. Read more about Cameron's experience >
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
After Graduation
Over the years, connects with the Center for Life's Work resources to:
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
After Graduation
"Working with my career coach to figure out the logistics of my internship was very helpful."
— Layla Boyer interned in a hospital, supported by a Naz SPARK Grant
You need the skills and experience to define and launch a meaningful career — or careers. You will draw on these planning skills repeatedly.