Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve outcomes for the people we serve. Interprofessional collaborative practice occurs when multiple service providers from different professions work with individuals or families, caregivers, and communities to deliver the highest-quality care.

Cutting-edge teamwork across professions/disciplines prepares students to provide better, more integrated care, for better client results. The collaborative learning and practice takes many forms, in many locations.


In the Classroom

  • Courses such as Contemporary Issues in Team Practice teach about other professions and collaboration.
  • Courses such as Research Methods, Anatomy & Physiology, Developing Child & Family bring together students from across professions.
Peter Spegar ‘23, ‘25G and Aletha Jackson ‘22G

In Clinics on Campus

  • Clinics in our state-of-the-art York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute provide opportunities for collaboration across professions that serve clients and patients from the greater Rochester community.
  • Students and faculty from two or more professions co-treat children and adults to improve outcomes and lives.
  • Interprofessional teams of students and faculty offer wellness groups for caregivers, stroke survivors, individuals with intellectual disabilities, and others.
  • In the Golisano Training Center, interprofessional teams of Nazareth students are part of the inclusion revolution, working with Special Olympics athletes for health and wellness.
Nazareth Deaf Education and Empowerment program in Ethiopia

Interprofessional Specialty Programs

Enhance your degree by including specialty courses at Nazareth such as:

Physical therapy and musical therapy co-treat a client


A physical therapy student (standing) provides targets for the client's reach during a range-of-motion exercise, while a music therapy student (at piano) creates an accompaniment that emphasizes the direction and force of the movement.


In the Community

  • Interprofessional teams participate in early childhood screening initiatives that help to identify children with special learning needs.
  • During practicum and internship opportunities, teams of Nazareth students work collaboratively in community sites dedicated to best interprofessional practices.
  • For the past 10 years, faculty and students have worked with dozens of community agencies to connect individuals and families with services as part of Project Homeless Connect Rochester.
Nazareth study abroad group in India

Around the World

Short-term service trips abroad include interprofessional teams in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, India, and other locations. 


Research & Presentations

  • Present your team’s research, therapy, and wellness work at Nazareth’s annual Creative Activity and Research Showcase (CARS). Pictured: Allison Sortore '21, '22G & Alicja Cygan '21, '22G presented at CARS and created a blog post about interprofessional education.
  • Student-faculty teams present their interprofessional work at professional association conferences across the US and internationally.
student club

Interprofessional Student Clubs

  • Nazareth student chapter of the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions
  • Club for Advancing Interprofessional Education for health and human services students from area colleges and universities
Arissa Kyler-Moesle

Alumni Spotlight: Interprofessional Skills at Work

Arissa Kyler-Moesle ‘15, a music therapy major, used music when collaborating with child life specialists and nurses at the Cleveland Clinic to decrease children’s pain and anxiety during IV placement in cancer treatment.