a Nazareth professor pointing at a computer screen during a design class

Visual Communication Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts


The program combines studies in graphic design, web design, advertising, typography, illustration, and integrative studies in the liberal arts, providing you with essential competencies for visual communication. Program curriculum is focused on preparing you for a broad range of careers in the creative field. Professional networking is integrated into your experience through associations with local chapters of American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and the American Advertising Federation (AAF), internships, guest speakers, and agency tours.

You will develop creative problem-solving skills and visual responses to communication problems, using digital and analog media for design. Working independently and in collaborative teams, you'll learn to create effective and refined images for a broad range of target audiences. In-depth learning culminates the final year in development of a professional portfolio and placement in a professional internship experience. Graduates find employment in advertising, marketing, multimedia and web design, packaging design, and branding.

All programs in the Art and Design Department are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). This accreditation means that our faculty, curriculum, and facilities meet or exceed national standards.


  • Focus on professional preparation and portfolio building.
  • Benefit from the combination of a strong studio curriculum in digital and analog media and a liberal arts education.
  • Choose to enrich your experience through 70+ study abroad options, including Italy and France for art and design majors.

Inside Nazareth's Art & Design Studios

    Program Details


    A portfolio is not required for admission, but submitting your portfolio for scholarship consideration is highly recommended. View portfolio details and register.

    Fully immersed

    mortarboard graphic

    Graduate with a portfolio demonstrating your skills

    checkbox graphic

    Professional internship experiences prepare you for careers

    globe graphic

    Study abroad options include Italy and France programs specifically for art and design majors


    • American Cancer Society
    • Antithesis Advertising
    • Butler/Till Media
    • Clark CSM
    • Dixon Schwabl
    • JWT, New York City
    • Lime Design
    • Martino Flynn
    • Mason Marketing
    • Minerva Design
    • Partners + Napier
    • Roberts Communication
    • Rochester Business Journal
    • Strong National Museum of Play


    Unique to Nazareth, our SPARK Grant provides $1,500 for you to pursue internships, research, and study abroad, plus up to $2,500 in a tuition scholarship for summer SPARK-eligible experiences that earn credit. SPARK stories »

    a student wearing a vibrant purple dress confidently balances herself on a sturdy railing
    a circular arrangement of multicolored pencils
    a congregation of students conduction a design critique in a computer lab

    Your life's work


    • Art director
    • Creative director
    • Digital media designer
    • Graphic designer
    • Publication designer
    • UI/UX designer
    • Web designer


    • Big Arrow Group, New York City
    • Butler/Till Media
    • CypherWorx
    • Edge Advertising
    • Harris Corporation
    • Martino Flynn
    • Mason Marketing
    • Mirus Group
    • Partners + Napier
    • Rochester Institute of Technology Cary Graphic Arts Press
    • The Martin Group
    • The Ski Company
    • Tool Studios, Denver, CO
    • Trampoline Design, Glens Falls, NY
    Mary Bonomo, alum of BFA graphic design degree program, visual communication major, Nazareth College

    Alumni Spotlight

    Mary Bonomo

    "Naz prepared me for my current job through the awesome internship requirement. Doing three internships in college really helped me figure out exactly what kind of work environment I would excel in, and this knowledge propelled me to make career decisions that are best for my professional future,” says Bonomo, who became an art director at The Martin Group marketing firm, whose clients include Wegmans, The Buffalo Bills, and Hillside Family of Agencies. She then became a creative and design manager at University of Rochester.