Highly motivated legal students can complete a six-year combined B.A. and J.D. degree program through a Nazareth University partnership with Syracuse University College of Law or University at Buffalo School of Law. You complete three years at Nazareth as a legal studies, political science, history, or philosophy major and then three years at law school in Syracuse or Buffalo.
Save one year's time and tuition costs compared to the more typical seven-year path to bachelor's and J.D. degrees.
Eligible students may receive scholarships based on the terms outlined when accepted to Nazareth University.
Nazareth provides an LSAT preparation class ($1,500 value) for students accepted into the 3+3 program.
Associate Professor
Nazareth University
585-389-2988 • nwolfe3@naz.edu
Director of Admissions
Syracuse University of Law
315-443-1962 • sbudgar@law.syr.edu
Vice Dean for Admissions
University at Buffalo School of Law
716-645-2907 • ljsutton@buffalo.edu
“Learning from practicing legal professionals was a strength of the legal studies program at Nazareth. I was well prepared for the LSAT and for law school from their advice and from legal courses covering case briefing, rule synthesis, legal writing, and research. The 3+3 program is a significant financial savings. I am really excited about everything I am learning and doing here at Syracuse. Law school has been a huge adjustment but I can feel it pushing me beyond my comfort zones and helping me to reach my full potential.”
— Olivia Fontana, legal studies major at Nazareth, completed her J.D. degree.